Copyright (C) 1995-2015 - All Rights Reserved University Corporation for Atmospheric Research NCAR Command Language Version 6.4.0-16Apr2016_0114 The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement. See for more details. ===================================================================================================================== Running on geyser by jvigh stormyear = 2010 stormname = karl The .trak file for this storm is present in the raw data directory. ===================================================================================================================== The stormID for stormname = karl and stormyear = 2010 is AL132010 The IBTrACS stormID for stormname = karl and stormyear = 2010 and ATCF stormID = AL132010 is 2010257N16282 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finding the start and stopping points of the ferry portions of each flight: kflight = 0 20100909H1 good flight data_start_index = 0 flight_start_index = 1456 ferry_start_index = 1456 ferry_end_index = 31396 flight_end_index = 31396 data_end_index = 31839 kflight = 1 20100912I1 good flight data_start_index = 0 flight_start_index = 201 ferry_start_index = 1219 ferry_end_index = 28142 flight_end_index = 29716 data_end_index = 29939 kflight = 2 20100913H1 good flight data_start_index = 0 flight_start_index = 51 ferry_start_index = 1084 ferry_end_index = 26816 flight_end_index = 29012 data_end_index = 29100 kflight = 3 20100913I1 good flight data_start_index = 0 flight_start_index = 178 ferry_start_index = 178 ferry_end_index = 28215 flight_end_index = 28215 data_end_index = 28379 kflight = 4 20100914H1 good flight data_start_index = 0 flight_start_index = 495 ferry_start_index = 495 ferry_end_index = 16935 flight_end_index = 16935 data_end_index = 17549 kflight = 5 20100914U1 good flight data_start_index = 0 flight_start_index = 1916 ferry_start_index = 2651 ferry_end_index = 34377 flight_end_index = 34377 data_end_index = 34377 kflight = 6 20100915U1 good flight data_start_index = 0 flight_start_index = 603 ferry_start_index = 1181 ferry_end_index = 34942 flight_end_index = 34942 data_end_index = 34942 kflight = 7 20100916H1 good flight data_start_index = 0 flight_start_index = 783 ferry_start_index = 20754 ferry_end_index = 27768 flight_end_index = 29862 data_end_index = 30339 kflight = 8 20100916U1 good flight data_start_index = 0 flight_start_index = 727 ferry_start_index = 1402 ferry_end_index = 35503 flight_end_index = 35503 data_end_index = 35503 kflight = 9 20100916U4 good flight data_start_index = 0 flight_start_index = 441 ferry_start_index = 1033 ferry_end_index = 38960 flight_end_index = 39618 data_end_index = 39838 kflight = 10 20100917U1 good flight data_start_index = 0 flight_start_index = 698 ferry_start_index = 1260 ferry_end_index = 33144 flight_end_index = 33144 data_end_index = 33144 Diagnostic information about the data for this storm: The minimum platform_latitude is: 14.6008 The maximum platform_latitude is: 30.49 The minimum platform_longitude is: -97.21 The maximum platform_longitude is: -64.7091 The wind center track file is present. Using the original .trak file downloaded from HRD. Entering procedure read_track_wind_center . . . Entering procedure create_time_coordinate . . . Exiting procedure create_time_coordinate . . . Exiting procedure read_track_wind_center . . . iflight = 0 initial_sample_period = 1 start_time_offset(iflight) = 1284056681 end_time_offset(iflight) = 1284088520 average_sample_period = 0 WARNING: substantial missing data gap inferred due to difference in initial and average sampling periods. iflight = 0 initial sample period = 1 average sample period = 0 iflight = 1 initial_sample_period = 1 start_time_offset(iflight) = 1284339601 end_time_offset(iflight) = 1284369540 average_sample_period = 0 WARNING: substantial missing data gap inferred due to difference in initial and average sampling periods. iflight = 1 initial sample period = 1 average sample period = 0 iflight = 2 initial_sample_period = 1 start_time_offset(iflight) = 1284387180 end_time_offset(iflight) = 1284416280 average_sample_period = 0 WARNING: substantial missing data gap inferred due to difference in initial and average sampling periods. iflight = 2 initial sample period = 1 average sample period = 0 iflight = 3 initial_sample_period = 1 start_time_offset(iflight) = 1284432901 end_time_offset(iflight) = 1284461280 average_sample_period = 0 WARNING: substantial missing data gap inferred due to difference in initial and average sampling periods. iflight = 3 initial sample period = 1 average sample period = 0 iflight = 4 initial_sample_period = 1 start_time_offset(iflight) = 1284514021 end_time_offset(iflight) = 1284531570 average_sample_period = 0 WARNING: substantial missing data gap inferred due to difference in initial and average sampling periods. iflight = 4 initial sample period = 1 average sample period = 0 iflight = 5 initial_sample_period = 1 start_time_offset(iflight) = 1284476009 end_time_offset(iflight) = 1284510553 average_sample_period = 1 iflight = 6 initial_sample_period = 1 start_time_offset(iflight) = 1284519570 end_time_offset(iflight) = 1284554650 average_sample_period = 1 iflight = 7 initial_sample_period = 1 start_time_offset(iflight) = 1284668601 end_time_offset(iflight) = 1284698940 average_sample_period = 0 WARNING: substantial missing data gap inferred due to difference in initial and average sampling periods. iflight = 7 initial sample period = 1 average sample period = 0 iflight = 8 initial_sample_period = 1 start_time_offset(iflight) = 1284626287 end_time_offset(iflight) = 1284662382 average_sample_period = 1 iflight = 9 initial_sample_period = 1 start_time_offset(iflight) = 1284669601 end_time_offset(iflight) = 1284709558 average_sample_period = 1 iflight = 10 initial_sample_period = 1 start_time_offset(iflight) = 1284712572 end_time_offset(iflight) = 1284745861 average_sample_period = 1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now creating plots for flight_track ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for all flights. There are 11 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 flights_to_plot = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 flights_to_plot = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 flights_to_plot = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 flights_to_plot = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 flights_to_plot = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 flights_to_plot = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 data_start_index for iflight = 0 is 0 data_end_index is 31839 data_start_index for iflight = 1 is 31840 data_end_index is 61779 data_start_index for iflight = 2 is 61780 data_end_index is 90880 data_start_index for iflight = 3 is 90881 data_end_index is 119260 data_start_index for iflight = 4 is 119261 data_end_index is 136810 data_start_index for iflight = 5 is 136811 data_end_index is 171188 data_start_index for iflight = 6 is 171189 data_end_index is 206131 data_start_index for iflight = 7 is 206132 data_end_index is 236471 data_start_index for iflight = 8 is 236472 data_end_index is 271975 data_start_index for iflight = 9 is 271976 data_end_index is 311814 data_start_index for iflight = 10 is 311815 data_end_index is 344959 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 14.6008 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.49 unadjusted minlon is: -97.21 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.7091 first adjusted minlon is: -97.51 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.4091 minlon is: -97.51 maxlon is: -64.4091 adjusted lon range is: 33.1009 adjusted lon center is: -80.9596 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_karl_2010_all_flights resample_period = 60 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 24.1007 28.0262 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 24.1013 28.0258 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -89.0377 -82.2823 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -89.0355 -82.2842 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 14.6008 27.8612 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 14.6159 27.8606 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -82.5424 -64.7522 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -82.5394 -64.7648 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 15.1791 27.8733 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 15.1835 27.8732 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -82.5325 -64.7984 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -82.532 -64.7984 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 14.6716 18.2583 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 14.6728 18.2582 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -80.7396 -64.7526 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -80.7246 -64.7584 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 17.6988 27.8591 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 17.6988 27.8588 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -82.6129 -64.7091 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -82.6128 -64.7143 plotting iflight = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 17.05 30.46 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 17.05 30.45 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -89.42 -82.54 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -89.42 -82.56 plotting iflight = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 16.99 30.42 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 16.99 30.42 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -89.2 -84.4 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -89.2 -84.4 plotting iflight = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 18.6144 27.9056 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 18.6234 27.9048 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -95.5013 -82.2583 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -95.4915 -82.2585 plotting iflight = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 18.71 30.42 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 18.72 30.42 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -93.97 -88.92 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -93.97 -88.92 plotting iflight = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 18.57 30.49 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 18.58 30.49 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -95.83 -88.77 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -95.81 -88.77 plotting iflight = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 18.24 30.42 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 18.24 30.42 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -97.21 -88.92 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -97.2 -88.92 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for 20100909H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 data_start_index = data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 1456 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 1456 ferry_end_index = 31396 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 24.1007 unadjusted maxlat is: 28.0262 unadjusted minlon is: -89.0377 unadjusted maxlon is: -82.2823 first adjusted minlon is: -89.3377 first adjusted maxlon is: -81.9823 minlon is: -89.3377 maxlon is: -81.9823 adjusted lon range is: 7.3554 adjusted lon center is: -85.66 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_karl_2010_single_flight_0_20100909H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 24.1007 28.0262 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 24.1007 28.0262 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -89.0377 -82.2823 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -89.0377 -82.2824 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for 20100912I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 data_start_index = 31840 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 32041 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 33059 ferry_end_index = 31396 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 14.6008 unadjusted maxlat is: 27.8612 unadjusted minlon is: -82.5424 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.7522 first adjusted minlon is: -82.8424 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.4522 minlon is: -82.8424 maxlon is: -64.4522 adjusted lon range is: 18.3902 adjusted lon center is: -73.6473 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_karl_2010_single_flight_1_20100912I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 24.1007 28.0262 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 14.6008 27.8611 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -89.0377 -82.2823 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -82.5424 -64.7522 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for 20100913H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 data_start_index = 61780 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 61831 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 62864 ferry_end_index = 31396 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 15.1791 unadjusted maxlat is: 27.8733 unadjusted minlon is: -82.5325 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.7984 first adjusted minlon is: -82.8325 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.4984 minlon is: -82.8325 maxlon is: -64.4984 adjusted lon range is: 18.3341 adjusted lon center is: -73.6654 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_karl_2010_single_flight_2_20100913H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 24.1007 28.0262 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 15.1792 27.8732 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -89.0377 -82.2823 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -82.5324 -64.7984 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for 20100913I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 data_start_index = 90881 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 91059 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 91059 ferry_end_index = 31396 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 14.6716 unadjusted maxlat is: 18.2583 unadjusted minlon is: -80.7396 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.7526 first adjusted minlon is: -81.0396 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.4526 minlon is: -81.0396 maxlon is: -64.4526 adjusted lon range is: 16.587 adjusted lon center is: -72.7461 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_karl_2010_single_flight_3_20100913I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 24.1007 28.0262 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 14.6718 18.2582 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -89.0377 -82.2823 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -80.7396 -64.7528 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for 20100914H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 data_start_index = 119261 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 119756 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 119756 ferry_end_index = 31396 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 17.6988 unadjusted maxlat is: 27.8591 unadjusted minlon is: -82.6129 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.7091 first adjusted minlon is: -82.9129 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.4091 minlon is: -82.9129 maxlon is: -64.4091 adjusted lon range is: 18.5038 adjusted lon center is: -73.661 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_karl_2010_single_flight_4_20100914H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 24.1007 28.0262 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 17.6988 27.8591 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -89.0377 -82.2823 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -82.6128 -64.7091 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for 20100914U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 data_start_index = 136811 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 138727 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 139462 ferry_end_index = 31396 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 17.05 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.46 unadjusted minlon is: -89.42 unadjusted maxlon is: -82.54 first adjusted minlon is: -95.7245 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.2355 minlon is: -95.7245 maxlon is: -76.2355 adjusted lon range is: 19.489 adjusted lon center is: -85.98 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_karl_2010_single_flight_5_20100914U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 24.1007 28.0262 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 17.05 30.46 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -89.0377 -82.2823 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -89.42 -82.55 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for 20100915U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 data_start_index = 171189 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 171792 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 172370 ferry_end_index = 31396 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.99 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.42 unadjusted minlon is: -89.2 unadjusted maxlon is: -84.4 first adjusted minlon is: -95.5135 first adjusted maxlon is: -78.0865 minlon is: -95.5135 maxlon is: -78.0865 adjusted lon range is: 17.427 adjusted lon center is: -86.8 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_karl_2010_single_flight_6_20100915U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 24.1007 28.0262 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 16.99 30.42 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -89.0377 -82.2823 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -89.2 -84.4 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for 20100916H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 data_start_index = 206132 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 206915 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 226886 ferry_end_index = 31396 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 18.6144 unadjusted maxlat is: 27.9056 unadjusted minlon is: -95.5013 unadjusted maxlon is: -82.2583 first adjusted minlon is: -95.8013 first adjusted maxlon is: -81.9583 minlon is: -95.8013 maxlon is: -81.9583 adjusted lon range is: 13.843 adjusted lon center is: -88.8798 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_karl_2010_single_flight_7_20100916H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 24.1007 28.0262 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 18.6147 27.9055 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -89.0377 -82.2823 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -95.5012 -82.2583 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for 20100916U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 data_start_index = 236472 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 237199 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 237874 ferry_end_index = 31396 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 18.71 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.42 unadjusted minlon is: -93.97 unadjusted maxlon is: -88.92 first adjusted minlon is: -99.5095 first adjusted maxlon is: -83.3805 minlon is: -99.5095 maxlon is: -83.3805 adjusted lon range is: 16.129 adjusted lon center is: -91.445 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_karl_2010_single_flight_8_20100916U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 24.1007 28.0262 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 18.71 30.42 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -89.0377 -82.2823 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -93.97 -88.92 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for 20100916U4. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 Data availability summary for iflight = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 data_start_index = 271976 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 272417 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 273009 ferry_end_index = 31396 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 18.57 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.49 unadjusted minlon is: -95.83 unadjusted maxlon is: -88.77 first adjusted minlon is: -101.464 first adjusted maxlon is: -83.136 minlon is: -101.464 maxlon is: -83.136 adjusted lon range is: 18.328 adjusted lon center is: -92.3 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_karl_2010_single_flight_9_20100916U4 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 24.1007 28.0262 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 18.57 30.49 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -89.0377 -82.2823 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -95.83 -88.77 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for 20100917U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 data_start_index = 311815 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 312513 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 313075 ferry_end_index = 31396 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 18.24 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.42 unadjusted minlon is: -97.21 unadjusted maxlon is: -88.92 first adjusted minlon is: -102.961 first adjusted maxlon is: -83.169 minlon is: -102.961 maxlon is: -83.169 adjusted lon range is: 19.792 adjusted lon center is: -93.065 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_karl_2010_single_flight_10_20100917U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 24.1007 28.0262 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 18.24 30.42 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -89.0377 -82.2823 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -97.21 -88.92 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now creating plots for flight_level_pressure_along_track ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for all flights. There are 11 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 flights_to_plot = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 flights_to_plot = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 flights_to_plot = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 flights_to_plot = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 flights_to_plot = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 flights_to_plot = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 data_start_index for iflight = 0 is 0 data_end_index is 31839 data_start_index for iflight = 1 is 31840 data_end_index is 61779 data_start_index for iflight = 2 is 61780 data_end_index is 90880 data_start_index for iflight = 3 is 90881 data_end_index is 119260 data_start_index for iflight = 4 is 119261 data_end_index is 136810 data_start_index for iflight = 5 is 136811 data_end_index is 171188 data_start_index for iflight = 6 is 171189 data_end_index is 206131 data_start_index for iflight = 7 is 206132 data_end_index is 236471 data_start_index for iflight = 8 is 236472 data_end_index is 271975 data_start_index for iflight = 9 is 271976 data_end_index is 311814 data_start_index for iflight = 10 is 311815 data_end_index is 344959 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 14.6008 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.49 unadjusted minlon is: -97.21 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.7091 first adjusted minlon is: -97.51 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.4091 minlon is: -97.51 maxlon is: -64.4091 adjusted lon range is: 33.1009 adjusted lon center is: -80.9596 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_karl_2010_all_flights resample_period = 60 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 300.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1019.2 mb plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 300.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1019.2 mb plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 300.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1019.2 mb plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 300.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1019.2 mb plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 300.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1019.2 mb plotting iflight = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 300.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1019.2 mb plotting iflight = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 300.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1019.2 mb plotting iflight = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 300.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1019.2 mb plotting iflight = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 300.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1019.2 mb plotting iflight = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 300.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1019.2 mb plotting iflight = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 300.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1019.2 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for 20100909H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 data_start_index = data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 1456 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 1456 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100909H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 24.1007 unadjusted maxlat is: 28.0262 unadjusted minlon is: -89.0377 unadjusted maxlon is: -82.2823 first adjusted minlon is: -89.3377 first adjusted maxlon is: -81.9823 minlon is: -89.3377 maxlon is: -81.9823 adjusted lon range is: 7.3554 adjusted lon center is: -85.66 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_karl_2010_single_flight_0_20100909H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 696.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1018.5 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for 20100912I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 data_start_index = 31840 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 32041 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 33059 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100912I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 14.6008 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.8811 unadjusted minlon is: -82.0381 unadjusted maxlon is: -66.0567 first adjusted minlon is: -87.8342 first adjusted maxlon is: -60.2606 minlon is: -87.8342 maxlon is: -60.2606 adjusted lon range is: 27.5736 adjusted lon center is: -74.0474 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_karl_2010_single_flight_1_20100912I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 525.5 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 753.1 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for 20100913H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 data_start_index = 61780 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 61831 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 62864 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100913H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 15.1791 unadjusted maxlat is: 27.0875 unadjusted minlon is: -81.9232 unadjusted maxlon is: -67.158 first adjusted minlon is: -87.552 first adjusted maxlon is: -61.5292 minlon is: -87.552 maxlon is: -61.5292 adjusted lon range is: 26.0229 adjusted lon center is: -74.5406 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_karl_2010_single_flight_2_20100913H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 445.9 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 646.9 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for 20100913I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 data_start_index = 90881 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 91059 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 91059 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100913I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 14.6716 unadjusted maxlat is: 18.2583 unadjusted minlon is: -80.7396 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.7526 first adjusted minlon is: -81.0396 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.4526 minlon is: -81.0396 maxlon is: -64.4526 adjusted lon range is: 16.587 adjusted lon center is: -72.7461 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_karl_2010_single_flight_3_20100913I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 590.1 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1012.2 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for 20100914H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 data_start_index = 119261 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 119756 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 119756 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100914H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 17.7013 unadjusted maxlat is: 27.8397 unadjusted minlon is: -82.6129 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.7091 first adjusted minlon is: -82.9129 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.4091 minlon is: -82.9129 maxlon is: -64.4091 adjusted lon range is: 18.5038 adjusted lon center is: -73.661 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_karl_2010_single_flight_4_20100914H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 694.2 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1017.0 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for 20100914U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 data_start_index = 136811 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 138727 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 139462 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100914U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 17.05 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.92 unadjusted minlon is: -89.42 unadjusted maxlon is: -82.54 first adjusted minlon is: -95.4815 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.4785 minlon is: -95.4815 maxlon is: -76.4785 adjusted lon range is: 19.003 adjusted lon center is: -85.98 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_karl_2010_single_flight_5_20100914U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 328.7 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 989.0 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for 20100915U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 data_start_index = 171189 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 171792 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 172370 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100915U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.99 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.9 unadjusted minlon is: -89.2 unadjusted maxlon is: -84.4 first adjusted minlon is: -95.2795 first adjusted maxlon is: -78.3205 minlon is: -95.2795 maxlon is: -78.3205 adjusted lon range is: 16.959 adjusted lon center is: -86.8 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_karl_2010_single_flight_6_20100915U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 300.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 848.1 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for 20100916H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 data_start_index = 206132 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 206915 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 226886 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100916H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 19.9624 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.9885 unadjusted minlon is: -91.7307 unadjusted maxlon is: -84.6597 first adjusted minlon is: -95.1624 first adjusted maxlon is: -81.228 minlon is: -95.1624 maxlon is: -81.228 adjusted lon range is: 13.9345 adjusted lon center is: -88.1952 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_karl_2010_single_flight_7_20100916H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 409.3 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 579.9 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for 20100916U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 data_start_index = 236472 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 237199 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 237874 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100916U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 18.71 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.7 unadjusted minlon is: -93.97 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.08 first adjusted minlon is: -99.1855 first adjusted maxlon is: -83.8645 minlon is: -99.1855 maxlon is: -83.8645 adjusted lon range is: 15.321 adjusted lon center is: -91.525 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_karl_2010_single_flight_8_20100916U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 314.3 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 853.4 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for 20100916U4. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 Data availability summary for iflight = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 data_start_index = 271976 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 272417 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 273009 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100916U4 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 18.57 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.04 unadjusted minlon is: -95.83 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.05 first adjusted minlon is: -101.262 first adjusted maxlon is: -83.6185 minlon is: -101.262 maxlon is: -83.6185 adjusted lon range is: 17.643 adjusted lon center is: -92.44 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_karl_2010_single_flight_9_20100916U4 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 392.1 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 846.3 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for 20100917U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 data_start_index = 311815 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 312513 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 313075 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100917U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 18.24 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.94 unadjusted minlon is: -97.21 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.2 first adjusted minlon is: -102.745 first adjusted maxlon is: -83.665 minlon is: -102.745 maxlon is: -83.665 adjusted lon range is: 19.08 adjusted lon center is: -93.205 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_karl_2010_single_flight_10_20100917U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 344.1 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 705.5 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now creating plots for sea_level_pressure_along_track ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for all flights. There are 11 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 flights_to_plot = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 flights_to_plot = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 flights_to_plot = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 flights_to_plot = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 flights_to_plot = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 flights_to_plot = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 data_start_index for iflight = 0 is 0 data_end_index is 31839 data_start_index for iflight = 1 is 31840 data_end_index is 61779 data_start_index for iflight = 2 is 61780 data_end_index is 90880 data_start_index for iflight = 3 is 90881 data_end_index is 119260 data_start_index for iflight = 4 is 119261 data_end_index is 136810 data_start_index for iflight = 5 is 136811 data_end_index is 171188 data_start_index for iflight = 6 is 171189 data_end_index is 206131 data_start_index for iflight = 7 is 206132 data_end_index is 236471 data_start_index for iflight = 8 is 236472 data_end_index is 271975 data_start_index for iflight = 9 is 271976 data_end_index is 311814 data_start_index for iflight = 10 is 311815 data_end_index is 344959 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 14.6008 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.49 unadjusted minlon is: -97.21 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.7091 first adjusted minlon is: -97.51 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.4091 minlon is: -97.51 maxlon is: -64.4091 adjusted lon range is: 33.1009 adjusted lon center is: -80.9596 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_karl_2010_all_flights resample_period = 60 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 801.3 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 5158.5 mb plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 801.3 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 5158.5 mb plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 801.3 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 5158.5 mb plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 801.3 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 5158.5 mb plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 801.3 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 5158.5 mb plotting iflight = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 801.3 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 5158.5 mb plotting iflight = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 801.3 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 5158.5 mb plotting iflight = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 801.3 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 5158.5 mb plotting iflight = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 801.3 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 5158.5 mb plotting iflight = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 801.3 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 5158.5 mb plotting iflight = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 801.3 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 5158.5 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for 20100909H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 data_start_index = data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 1456 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 1456 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100909H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 24.1007 unadjusted maxlat is: 28.0262 unadjusted minlon is: -89.0377 unadjusted maxlon is: -82.2823 first adjusted minlon is: -89.3377 first adjusted maxlon is: -81.9823 minlon is: -89.3377 maxlon is: -81.9823 adjusted lon range is: 7.3554 adjusted lon center is: -85.66 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_karl_2010_single_flight_0_20100909H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1011.2 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1019.6 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for 20100912I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 data_start_index = 31840 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 32041 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 33059 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100912I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 14.6008 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.8811 unadjusted minlon is: -82.0381 unadjusted maxlon is: -66.0567 first adjusted minlon is: -87.8342 first adjusted maxlon is: -60.2606 minlon is: -87.8342 maxlon is: -60.2606 adjusted lon range is: 27.5736 adjusted lon center is: -74.0474 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_karl_2010_single_flight_1_20100912I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1004.5 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1013.0 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for 20100913H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 data_start_index = 61780 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 61831 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 62864 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100913H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 15.1791 unadjusted maxlat is: 27.0875 unadjusted minlon is: -81.9232 unadjusted maxlon is: -67.158 first adjusted minlon is: -87.552 first adjusted maxlon is: -61.5292 minlon is: -87.552 maxlon is: -61.5292 adjusted lon range is: 26.0229 adjusted lon center is: -74.5406 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_karl_2010_single_flight_2_20100913H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1002.6 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1012.0 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for 20100913I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 data_start_index = 90881 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 91059 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 91059 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100913I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 14.6716 unadjusted maxlat is: 18.2583 unadjusted minlon is: -80.7396 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.7526 first adjusted minlon is: -81.0396 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.4526 minlon is: -81.0396 maxlon is: -64.4526 adjusted lon range is: 16.587 adjusted lon center is: -72.7461 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_karl_2010_single_flight_3_20100913I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1003.9 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1013.9 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for 20100914H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 data_start_index = 119261 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 119756 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 119756 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100914H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 17.7013 unadjusted maxlat is: 27.8397 unadjusted minlon is: -82.6129 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.7091 first adjusted minlon is: -82.9129 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.4091 minlon is: -82.9129 maxlon is: -64.4091 adjusted lon range is: 18.5038 adjusted lon center is: -73.661 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_karl_2010_single_flight_4_20100914H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1007.8 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1018.0 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for 20100914U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 data_start_index = 136811 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 138727 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 139462 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100914U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 17.05 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.92 unadjusted minlon is: -89.42 unadjusted maxlon is: -82.54 first adjusted minlon is: -95.4815 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.4785 minlon is: -95.4815 maxlon is: -76.4785 adjusted lon range is: 19.003 adjusted lon center is: -85.98 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_karl_2010_single_flight_5_20100914U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 995.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1015.6 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for 20100915U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 data_start_index = 171189 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 171792 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 172370 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100915U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.99 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.9 unadjusted minlon is: -89.2 unadjusted maxlon is: -84.4 first adjusted minlon is: -95.2795 first adjusted maxlon is: -78.3205 minlon is: -95.2795 maxlon is: -78.3205 adjusted lon range is: 16.959 adjusted lon center is: -86.8 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_karl_2010_single_flight_6_20100915U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 990.0 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1022.4 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for 20100916H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 data_start_index = 206132 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 206915 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 226886 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100916H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 19.9624 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.9885 unadjusted minlon is: -91.7307 unadjusted maxlon is: -84.6597 first adjusted minlon is: -95.1624 first adjusted maxlon is: -81.228 minlon is: -95.1624 maxlon is: -81.228 adjusted lon range is: 13.9345 adjusted lon center is: -88.1952 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_karl_2010_single_flight_7_20100916H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 995.1 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1012.0 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for 20100916U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 data_start_index = 236472 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 237199 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 237874 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100916U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 18.71 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.7 unadjusted minlon is: -93.97 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.08 first adjusted minlon is: -99.1855 first adjusted maxlon is: -83.8645 minlon is: -99.1855 maxlon is: -83.8645 adjusted lon range is: 15.321 adjusted lon center is: -91.525 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_karl_2010_single_flight_8_20100916U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 980.7 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1015.1 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for 20100916U4. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 Data availability summary for iflight = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 data_start_index = 271976 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 272417 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 273009 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100916U4 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 18.57 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.04 unadjusted minlon is: -95.83 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.05 first adjusted minlon is: -101.262 first adjusted maxlon is: -83.6185 minlon is: -101.262 maxlon is: -83.6185 adjusted lon range is: 17.643 adjusted lon center is: -92.44 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_karl_2010_single_flight_9_20100916U4 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 801.3 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 5158.5 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for 20100917U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 data_start_index = 311815 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 312513 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 313075 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100917U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 18.24 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.94 unadjusted minlon is: -97.21 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.2 first adjusted minlon is: -102.745 first adjusted maxlon is: -83.665 minlon is: -102.745 maxlon is: -83.665 adjusted lon range is: 19.08 adjusted lon center is: -93.205 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_karl_2010_single_flight_10_20100917U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 951.9 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1018.5 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now creating plots for flight_level_wind_speed_along_track ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for all flights. There are 11 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 flights_to_plot = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 flights_to_plot = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 flights_to_plot = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 flights_to_plot = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 flights_to_plot = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 flights_to_plot = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 data_start_index for iflight = 0 is 0 data_end_index is 31839 data_start_index for iflight = 1 is 31840 data_end_index is 61779 data_start_index for iflight = 2 is 61780 data_end_index is 90880 data_start_index for iflight = 3 is 90881 data_end_index is 119260 data_start_index for iflight = 4 is 119261 data_end_index is 136810 data_start_index for iflight = 5 is 136811 data_end_index is 171188 data_start_index for iflight = 6 is 171189 data_end_index is 206131 data_start_index for iflight = 7 is 206132 data_end_index is 236471 data_start_index for iflight = 8 is 236472 data_end_index is 271975 data_start_index for iflight = 9 is 271976 data_end_index is 311814 data_start_index for iflight = 10 is 311815 data_end_index is 344959 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 14.6008 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.49 unadjusted minlon is: -97.21 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.7091 first adjusted minlon is: -97.51 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.4091 minlon is: -97.51 maxlon is: -64.4091 adjusted lon range is: 33.1009 adjusted lon center is: -80.9596 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_karl_2010_all_flights resample_period = 60 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 64.8 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 64.8 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 64.8 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 64.8 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 64.8 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 64.8 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 64.8 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 64.8 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 64.8 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 64.8 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 64.8 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for 20100909H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 data_start_index = data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 1456 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 1456 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100909H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 24.1007 unadjusted maxlat is: 28.0262 unadjusted minlon is: -89.0377 unadjusted maxlon is: -82.2823 first adjusted minlon is: -89.3377 first adjusted maxlon is: -81.9823 minlon is: -89.3377 maxlon is: -81.9823 adjusted lon range is: 7.3554 adjusted lon center is: -85.66 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_karl_2010_single_flight_0_20100909H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.1 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 7.5 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for 20100912I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 data_start_index = 31840 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 32041 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 33059 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100912I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 14.6008 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.8811 unadjusted minlon is: -82.0381 unadjusted maxlon is: -66.0567 first adjusted minlon is: -87.8342 first adjusted maxlon is: -60.2606 minlon is: -87.8342 maxlon is: -60.2606 adjusted lon range is: 27.5736 adjusted lon center is: -74.0474 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_karl_2010_single_flight_1_20100912I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 14.9 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for 20100913H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 data_start_index = 61780 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 61831 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 62864 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100913H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 15.1791 unadjusted maxlat is: 27.0875 unadjusted minlon is: -81.9232 unadjusted maxlon is: -67.158 first adjusted minlon is: -87.552 first adjusted maxlon is: -61.5292 minlon is: -87.552 maxlon is: -61.5292 adjusted lon range is: 26.0229 adjusted lon center is: -74.5406 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_karl_2010_single_flight_2_20100913H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 17.4 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for 20100913I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 data_start_index = 90881 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 91059 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 91059 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100913I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 14.6716 unadjusted maxlat is: 18.2583 unadjusted minlon is: -80.7396 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.7526 first adjusted minlon is: -81.0396 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.4526 minlon is: -81.0396 maxlon is: -64.4526 adjusted lon range is: 16.587 adjusted lon center is: -72.7461 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_karl_2010_single_flight_3_20100913I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 15.8 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for 20100914H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 data_start_index = 119261 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 119756 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 119756 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100914H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 17.7013 unadjusted maxlat is: 27.8397 unadjusted minlon is: -82.6129 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.7091 first adjusted minlon is: -82.9129 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.4091 minlon is: -82.9129 maxlon is: -64.4091 adjusted lon range is: 18.5038 adjusted lon center is: -73.661 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_karl_2010_single_flight_4_20100914H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 11.8 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for 20100914U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 data_start_index = 136811 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 138727 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 139462 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100914U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 17.05 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.92 unadjusted minlon is: -89.42 unadjusted maxlon is: -82.54 first adjusted minlon is: -95.4815 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.4785 minlon is: -95.4815 maxlon is: -76.4785 adjusted lon range is: 19.003 adjusted lon center is: -85.98 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_karl_2010_single_flight_5_20100914U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 24.7 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for 20100915U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 data_start_index = 171189 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 171792 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 172370 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100915U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.99 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.9 unadjusted minlon is: -89.2 unadjusted maxlon is: -84.4 first adjusted minlon is: -95.2795 first adjusted maxlon is: -78.3205 minlon is: -95.2795 maxlon is: -78.3205 adjusted lon range is: 16.959 adjusted lon center is: -86.8 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_karl_2010_single_flight_6_20100915U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.5 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 32.9 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for 20100916H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 data_start_index = 206132 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 206915 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 226886 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100916H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 19.9624 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.9885 unadjusted minlon is: -91.7307 unadjusted maxlon is: -84.6597 first adjusted minlon is: -95.1624 first adjusted maxlon is: -81.228 minlon is: -95.1624 maxlon is: -81.228 adjusted lon range is: 13.9345 adjusted lon center is: -88.1952 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_karl_2010_single_flight_7_20100916H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.1 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 17.5 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for 20100916U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 data_start_index = 236472 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 237199 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 237874 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100916U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 18.71 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.7 unadjusted minlon is: -93.97 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.08 first adjusted minlon is: -99.1855 first adjusted maxlon is: -83.8645 minlon is: -99.1855 maxlon is: -83.8645 adjusted lon range is: 15.321 adjusted lon center is: -91.525 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_karl_2010_single_flight_8_20100916U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.5 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 47.3 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for 20100916U4. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 Data availability summary for iflight = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 data_start_index = 271976 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 272417 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 273009 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100916U4 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 18.57 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.04 unadjusted minlon is: -95.83 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.05 first adjusted minlon is: -101.262 first adjusted maxlon is: -83.6185 minlon is: -101.262 maxlon is: -83.6185 adjusted lon range is: 17.643 adjusted lon center is: -92.44 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_karl_2010_single_flight_9_20100916U4 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 54.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for 20100917U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 data_start_index = 311815 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 312513 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 313075 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100917U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 18.24 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.94 unadjusted minlon is: -97.21 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.2 first adjusted minlon is: -102.745 first adjusted maxlon is: -83.665 minlon is: -102.745 maxlon is: -83.665 adjusted lon range is: 19.08 adjusted lon center is: -93.205 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_karl_2010_single_flight_10_20100917U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 64.8 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now creating plots for sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_raw ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_raw for all flights. There are 11 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 flights_to_plot = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 flights_to_plot = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 flights_to_plot = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 flights_to_plot = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 flights_to_plot = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 flights_to_plot = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 data_start_index for iflight = 0 is 0 data_end_index is 31839 data_start_index for iflight = 1 is 31840 data_end_index is 61779 data_start_index for iflight = 2 is 61780 data_end_index is 90880 data_start_index for iflight = 3 is 90881 data_end_index is 119260 data_start_index for iflight = 4 is 119261 data_end_index is 136810 data_start_index for iflight = 5 is 136811 data_end_index is 171188 data_start_index for iflight = 6 is 171189 data_end_index is 206131 data_start_index for iflight = 7 is 206132 data_end_index is 236471 data_start_index for iflight = 8 is 236472 data_end_index is 271975 data_start_index for iflight = 9 is 271976 data_end_index is 311814 data_start_index for iflight = 10 is 311815 data_end_index is 344959 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 14.6008 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.49 unadjusted minlon is: -97.21 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.7091 first adjusted minlon is: -97.51 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.4091 minlon is: -97.51 maxlon is: -64.4091 adjusted lon range is: 33.1009 adjusted lon center is: -80.9596 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_raw_karl_2010_all_flights resample_period = 60 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 90.0 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 90.0 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 90.0 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 90.0 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 90.0 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 90.0 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 90.0 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 90.0 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 90.0 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 90.0 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 90.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_raw for 20100909H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 data_start_index = data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 1456 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 1456 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100909H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 24.1007 unadjusted maxlat is: 28.0262 unadjusted minlon is: -89.0377 unadjusted maxlon is: -82.2823 first adjusted minlon is: -89.3377 first adjusted maxlon is: -81.9823 minlon is: -89.3377 maxlon is: -81.9823 adjusted lon range is: 7.3554 adjusted lon center is: -85.66 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_raw_karl_2010_single_flight_0_20100909H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 90.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_raw for 20100912I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 data_start_index = 31840 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 32041 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 33059 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100912I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 14.6008 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.8811 unadjusted minlon is: -82.0381 unadjusted maxlon is: -66.0567 first adjusted minlon is: -87.8342 first adjusted maxlon is: -60.2606 minlon is: -87.8342 maxlon is: -60.2606 adjusted lon range is: 27.5736 adjusted lon center is: -74.0474 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_raw_karl_2010_single_flight_1_20100912I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 90.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_raw for 20100913H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 data_start_index = 61780 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 61831 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 62864 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100913H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 15.1791 unadjusted maxlat is: 27.0875 unadjusted minlon is: -81.9232 unadjusted maxlon is: -67.158 first adjusted minlon is: -87.552 first adjusted maxlon is: -61.5292 minlon is: -87.552 maxlon is: -61.5292 adjusted lon range is: 26.0229 adjusted lon center is: -74.5406 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_raw_karl_2010_single_flight_2_20100913H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 90.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_raw for 20100913I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 data_start_index = 90881 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 91059 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 91059 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100913I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 14.6716 unadjusted maxlat is: 18.2583 unadjusted minlon is: -80.7396 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.7526 first adjusted minlon is: -81.0396 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.4526 minlon is: -81.0396 maxlon is: -64.4526 adjusted lon range is: 16.587 adjusted lon center is: -72.7461 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_raw_karl_2010_single_flight_3_20100913I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 89.9 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_raw for 20100914H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 data_start_index = 119261 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 119756 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 119756 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100914H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 17.7013 unadjusted maxlat is: 27.8397 unadjusted minlon is: -82.6129 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.7091 first adjusted minlon is: -82.9129 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.4091 minlon is: -82.9129 maxlon is: -64.4091 adjusted lon range is: 18.5038 adjusted lon center is: -73.661 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_raw_karl_2010_single_flight_4_20100914H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 90.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_raw for 20100914U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 data_start_index = 136811 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 138727 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 139462 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100914U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 17.05 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.92 unadjusted minlon is: -89.42 unadjusted maxlon is: -82.54 first adjusted minlon is: -95.4815 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.4785 minlon is: -95.4815 maxlon is: -76.4785 adjusted lon range is: 19.003 adjusted lon center is: -85.98 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_raw_karl_2010_single_flight_5_20100914U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 66.4 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_raw for 20100915U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 data_start_index = 171189 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 171792 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 172370 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100915U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.99 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.9 unadjusted minlon is: -89.2 unadjusted maxlon is: -84.4 first adjusted minlon is: -95.2795 first adjusted maxlon is: -78.3205 minlon is: -95.2795 maxlon is: -78.3205 adjusted lon range is: 16.959 adjusted lon center is: -86.8 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_raw_karl_2010_single_flight_6_20100915U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 62.8 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_raw for 20100916H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 data_start_index = 206132 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 206915 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 226886 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100916H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 19.9624 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.9885 unadjusted minlon is: -91.7307 unadjusted maxlon is: -84.6597 first adjusted minlon is: -95.1624 first adjusted maxlon is: -81.228 minlon is: -95.1624 maxlon is: -81.228 adjusted lon range is: 13.9345 adjusted lon center is: -88.1952 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_raw_karl_2010_single_flight_7_20100916H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 15.9 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_raw for 20100916U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 data_start_index = 236472 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 237199 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 237874 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100916U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 18.71 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.7 unadjusted minlon is: -93.97 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.08 first adjusted minlon is: -99.1855 first adjusted maxlon is: -83.8645 minlon is: -99.1855 maxlon is: -83.8645 adjusted lon range is: 15.321 adjusted lon center is: -91.525 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_raw_karl_2010_single_flight_8_20100916U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 77.7 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_raw for 20100916U4. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 Data availability summary for iflight = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 data_start_index = 271976 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 272417 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 273009 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100916U4 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 18.57 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.04 unadjusted minlon is: -95.83 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.05 first adjusted minlon is: -101.262 first adjusted maxlon is: -83.6185 minlon is: -101.262 maxlon is: -83.6185 adjusted lon range is: 17.643 adjusted lon center is: -92.44 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_raw_karl_2010_single_flight_9_20100916U4 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 64.8 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_raw for 20100917U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 data_start_index = 311815 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 312513 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 313075 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100917U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 18.24 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.94 unadjusted minlon is: -97.21 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.2 first adjusted minlon is: -102.745 first adjusted maxlon is: -83.665 minlon is: -102.745 maxlon is: -83.665 adjusted lon range is: 19.08 adjusted lon center is: -93.205 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_raw_karl_2010_single_flight_10_20100917U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 65.8 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now creating plots for sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_quality_controlled ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_quality_controlled for all flights. There are 11 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 flights_to_plot = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 flights_to_plot = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 flights_to_plot = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 flights_to_plot = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 flights_to_plot = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 flights_to_plot = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 data_start_index for iflight = 0 is 0 data_end_index is 31839 data_start_index for iflight = 1 is 31840 data_end_index is 61779 data_start_index for iflight = 2 is 61780 data_end_index is 90880 data_start_index for iflight = 3 is 90881 data_end_index is 119260 data_start_index for iflight = 4 is 119261 data_end_index is 136810 data_start_index for iflight = 5 is 136811 data_end_index is 171188 data_start_index for iflight = 6 is 171189 data_end_index is 206131 data_start_index for iflight = 7 is 206132 data_end_index is 236471 data_start_index for iflight = 8 is 236472 data_end_index is 271975 data_start_index for iflight = 9 is 271976 data_end_index is 311814 data_start_index for iflight = 10 is 311815 data_end_index is 344959 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 14.6008 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.49 unadjusted minlon is: -97.21 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.7091 first adjusted minlon is: -97.51 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.4091 minlon is: -97.51 maxlon is: -64.4091 adjusted lon range is: 33.1009 adjusted lon center is: -80.9596 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_quality_controlled_karl_2010_all_flights resample_period = 60 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 54.5 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 54.5 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 54.5 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 54.5 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 54.5 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 54.5 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 54.5 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 54.5 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 54.5 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 54.5 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 54.5 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_quality_controlled for 20100909H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 data_start_index = data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 1456 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 1456 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100909H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 24.1007 unadjusted maxlat is: 28.0262 unadjusted minlon is: -89.0377 unadjusted maxlon is: -82.2823 first adjusted minlon is: -89.3377 first adjusted maxlon is: -81.9823 minlon is: -89.3377 maxlon is: -81.9823 adjusted lon range is: 7.3554 adjusted lon center is: -85.66 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_quality_controlled_karl_2010_single_flight_0_20100909H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 14.5 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_quality_controlled for 20100912I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 data_start_index = 31840 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 32041 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 33059 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100912I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 14.6008 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.8811 unadjusted minlon is: -82.0381 unadjusted maxlon is: -66.0567 first adjusted minlon is: -87.8342 first adjusted maxlon is: -60.2606 minlon is: -87.8342 maxlon is: -60.2606 adjusted lon range is: 27.5736 adjusted lon center is: -74.0474 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_quality_controlled_karl_2010_single_flight_1_20100912I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 32.7 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_quality_controlled for 20100913H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 data_start_index = 61780 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 61831 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 62864 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100913H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 15.1791 unadjusted maxlat is: 27.0875 unadjusted minlon is: -81.9232 unadjusted maxlon is: -67.158 first adjusted minlon is: -87.552 first adjusted maxlon is: -61.5292 minlon is: -87.552 maxlon is: -61.5292 adjusted lon range is: 26.0229 adjusted lon center is: -74.5406 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_quality_controlled_karl_2010_single_flight_2_20100913H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 25.5 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_quality_controlled for 20100913I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 data_start_index = 90881 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 91059 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 91059 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100913I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 14.6716 unadjusted maxlat is: 18.2583 unadjusted minlon is: -80.7396 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.7526 first adjusted minlon is: -81.0396 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.4526 minlon is: -81.0396 maxlon is: -64.4526 adjusted lon range is: 16.587 adjusted lon center is: -72.7461 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_quality_controlled_karl_2010_single_flight_3_20100913I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 32.6 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_quality_controlled for 20100914H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 data_start_index = 119261 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 119756 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 119756 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100914H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 17.7013 unadjusted maxlat is: 27.8397 unadjusted minlon is: -82.6129 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.7091 first adjusted minlon is: -82.9129 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.4091 minlon is: -82.9129 maxlon is: -64.4091 adjusted lon range is: 18.5038 adjusted lon center is: -73.661 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_quality_controlled_karl_2010_single_flight_4_20100914H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 22.8 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_quality_controlled for 20100914U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 data_start_index = 136811 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 138727 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 139462 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100914U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 17.05 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.92 unadjusted minlon is: -89.42 unadjusted maxlon is: -82.54 first adjusted minlon is: -95.4815 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.4785 minlon is: -95.4815 maxlon is: -76.4785 adjusted lon range is: 19.003 adjusted lon center is: -85.98 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_quality_controlled_karl_2010_single_flight_5_20100914U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 42.2 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_quality_controlled for 20100915U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 data_start_index = 171189 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 171792 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 172370 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100915U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.99 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.9 unadjusted minlon is: -89.2 unadjusted maxlon is: -84.4 first adjusted minlon is: -95.2795 first adjusted maxlon is: -78.3205 minlon is: -95.2795 maxlon is: -78.3205 adjusted lon range is: 16.959 adjusted lon center is: -86.8 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_quality_controlled_karl_2010_single_flight_6_20100915U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 40.6 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_quality_controlled for 20100916H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 data_start_index = 206132 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 206915 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 226886 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100916H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 19.9624 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.9885 unadjusted minlon is: -91.7307 unadjusted maxlon is: -84.6597 first adjusted minlon is: -95.1624 first adjusted maxlon is: -81.228 minlon is: -95.1624 maxlon is: -81.228 adjusted lon range is: 13.9345 adjusted lon center is: -88.1952 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_quality_controlled_karl_2010_single_flight_7_20100916H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 15.9 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_quality_controlled for 20100916U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 data_start_index = 236472 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 237199 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 237874 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100916U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 18.71 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.7 unadjusted minlon is: -93.97 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.08 first adjusted minlon is: -99.1855 first adjusted maxlon is: -83.8645 minlon is: -99.1855 maxlon is: -83.8645 adjusted lon range is: 15.321 adjusted lon center is: -91.525 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_quality_controlled_karl_2010_single_flight_8_20100916U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 36.5 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_quality_controlled for 20100916U4. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 Data availability summary for iflight = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 data_start_index = 271976 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 272417 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 273009 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100916U4 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 18.57 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.04 unadjusted minlon is: -95.83 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.05 first adjusted minlon is: -101.262 first adjusted maxlon is: -83.6185 minlon is: -101.262 maxlon is: -83.6185 adjusted lon range is: 17.643 adjusted lon center is: -92.44 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_quality_controlled_karl_2010_single_flight_9_20100916U4 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 50.4 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_quality_controlled for 20100917U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 data_start_index = 311815 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 312513 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 313075 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100917U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 18.24 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.94 unadjusted minlon is: -97.21 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.2 first adjusted minlon is: -102.745 first adjusted maxlon is: -83.665 minlon is: -102.745 maxlon is: -83.665 adjusted lon range is: 19.08 adjusted lon center is: -93.205 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_quality_controlled_karl_2010_single_flight_10_20100917U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 54.5 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now creating plots for flight_level_temperature_along_track ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for all flights. There are 11 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 flights_to_plot = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 flights_to_plot = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 flights_to_plot = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 flights_to_plot = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 flights_to_plot = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 flights_to_plot = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 data_start_index for iflight = 0 is 0 data_end_index is 31839 data_start_index for iflight = 1 is 31840 data_end_index is 61779 data_start_index for iflight = 2 is 61780 data_end_index is 90880 data_start_index for iflight = 3 is 90881 data_end_index is 119260 data_start_index for iflight = 4 is 119261 data_end_index is 136810 data_start_index for iflight = 5 is 136811 data_end_index is 171188 data_start_index for iflight = 6 is 171189 data_end_index is 206131 data_start_index for iflight = 7 is 206132 data_end_index is 236471 data_start_index for iflight = 8 is 236472 data_end_index is 271975 data_start_index for iflight = 9 is 271976 data_end_index is 311814 data_start_index for iflight = 10 is 311815 data_end_index is 344959 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 14.6008 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.49 unadjusted minlon is: -97.21 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.7091 first adjusted minlon is: -97.51 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.4091 minlon is: -97.51 maxlon is: -64.4091 adjusted lon range is: 33.1009 adjusted lon center is: -80.9596 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_karl_2010_all_flights resample_period = 60 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -31.5~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 41.5~S~o~N~C 0 101 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -31.5~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 41.5~S~o~N~C 15 99 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -31.5~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 41.5~S~o~N~C 0 93 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -31.5~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 41.5~S~o~N~C 28 100 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -31.5~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 41.5~S~o~N~C 0 94 plotting iflight = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -31.5~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 41.5~S~o~N~C 0 104 plotting iflight = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -31.5~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 41.5~S~o~N~C 0 84 plotting iflight = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -31.5~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 41.5~S~o~N~C 0 103 plotting iflight = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -31.5~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 41.5~S~o~N~C 0 78 plotting iflight = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -31.5~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 41.5~S~o~N~C 0 114 plotting iflight = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -31.5~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 41.5~S~o~N~C 0 82 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for 20100909H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 data_start_index = data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 1456 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 1456 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100909H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 24.1007 unadjusted maxlat is: 28.0262 unadjusted minlon is: -89.0377 unadjusted maxlon is: -82.2823 first adjusted minlon is: -89.3377 first adjusted maxlon is: -81.9823 minlon is: -89.3377 maxlon is: -81.9823 adjusted lon range is: 7.3554 adjusted lon center is: -85.66 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_karl_2010_single_flight_0_20100909H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20100909H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: 9.7~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 28.8~S~o~N~C 0 88 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for 20100912I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 data_start_index = 31840 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 32041 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 33059 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100912I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 14.6008 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.8811 unadjusted minlon is: -82.0381 unadjusted maxlon is: -66.0567 first adjusted minlon is: -87.8342 first adjusted maxlon is: -60.2606 minlon is: -87.8342 maxlon is: -60.2606 adjusted lon range is: 27.5736 adjusted lon center is: -74.0474 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_karl_2010_single_flight_1_20100912I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20100912I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -3.8~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 15.5~S~o~N~C 14 58 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for 20100913H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 data_start_index = 61780 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 61831 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 62864 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100913H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 15.1791 unadjusted maxlat is: 27.0875 unadjusted minlon is: -81.9232 unadjusted maxlon is: -67.158 first adjusted minlon is: -87.552 first adjusted maxlon is: -61.5292 minlon is: -87.552 maxlon is: -61.5292 adjusted lon range is: 26.0229 adjusted lon center is: -74.5406 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_karl_2010_single_flight_2_20100913H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20100913H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -10.0~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 7.8~S~o~N~C 0 40 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for 20100913I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 data_start_index = 90881 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 91059 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 91059 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100913I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 14.6716 unadjusted maxlat is: 18.2583 unadjusted minlon is: -80.7396 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.7526 first adjusted minlon is: -81.0396 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.4526 minlon is: -81.0396 maxlon is: -64.4526 adjusted lon range is: 16.587 adjusted lon center is: -72.7461 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_karl_2010_single_flight_3_20100913I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20100913I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: 1.9~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 28.2~S~o~N~C 27 87 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for 20100914H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 data_start_index = 119261 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 119756 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 119756 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100914H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 17.7013 unadjusted maxlat is: 27.8397 unadjusted minlon is: -82.6129 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.7091 first adjusted minlon is: -82.9129 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.4091 minlon is: -82.9129 maxlon is: -64.4091 adjusted lon range is: 18.5038 adjusted lon center is: -73.661 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_karl_2010_single_flight_4_20100914H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20100914H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: 9.4~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 29.6~S~o~N~C 0 90 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for 20100914U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 data_start_index = 136811 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 138727 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 139462 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100914U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 17.05 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.92 unadjusted minlon is: -89.42 unadjusted maxlon is: -82.54 first adjusted minlon is: -95.4815 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.4785 minlon is: -95.4815 maxlon is: -76.4785 adjusted lon range is: 19.003 adjusted lon center is: -85.98 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_karl_2010_single_flight_5_20100914U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 5 flightID = 20100914U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -26.0~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 26.5~S~o~N~C 0 83 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for 20100915U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 data_start_index = 171189 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 171792 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 172370 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100915U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.99 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.9 unadjusted minlon is: -89.2 unadjusted maxlon is: -84.4 first adjusted minlon is: -95.2795 first adjusted maxlon is: -78.3205 minlon is: -95.2795 maxlon is: -78.3205 adjusted lon range is: 16.959 adjusted lon center is: -86.8 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_karl_2010_single_flight_6_20100915U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 6 flightID = 20100915U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -31.5~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 23.5~S~o~N~C 0 76 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for 20100916H1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 Data availability summary for iflight = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 data_start_index = 206132 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 206915 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 226886 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100916H1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 19.9624 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.9885 unadjusted minlon is: -91.7307 unadjusted maxlon is: -84.6597 first adjusted minlon is: -95.1624 first adjusted maxlon is: -81.228 minlon is: -95.1624 maxlon is: -81.228 adjusted lon range is: 13.9345 adjusted lon center is: -88.1952 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_karl_2010_single_flight_7_20100916H1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 7 flightID = 20100916H1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -14.4~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 2.5~S~o~N~C 0 28 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for 20100916U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 data_start_index = 236472 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 237199 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 237874 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100916U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 18.71 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.7 unadjusted minlon is: -93.97 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.08 first adjusted minlon is: -99.1855 first adjusted maxlon is: -83.8645 minlon is: -99.1855 maxlon is: -83.8645 adjusted lon range is: 15.321 adjusted lon center is: -91.525 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_karl_2010_single_flight_8_20100916U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 8 flightID = 20100916U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -27.0~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 22.0~S~o~N~C 0 73 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for 20100916U4. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 Data availability summary for iflight = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 data_start_index = 271976 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 272417 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 273009 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100916U4 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 18.57 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.04 unadjusted minlon is: -95.83 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.05 first adjusted minlon is: -101.262 first adjusted maxlon is: -83.6185 minlon is: -101.262 maxlon is: -83.6185 adjusted lon range is: 17.643 adjusted lon center is: -92.44 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_karl_2010_single_flight_9_20100916U4 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 9 flightID = 20100916U4 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -19.0~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 22.0~S~o~N~C 0 71 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for 20100917U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 data_start_index = 311815 data_end_index = 31839 flight_start_index = 312513 flight_end_index = 31396 ferry_start_index = 313075 ferry_end_index = 31396 INFORMATION: 20100917U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 18.24 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.94 unadjusted minlon is: -97.21 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.2 first adjusted minlon is: -102.745 first adjusted maxlon is: -83.665 minlon is: -102.745 maxlon is: -83.665 adjusted lon range is: 19.08 adjusted lon center is: -93.205 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_karl_2010_single_flight_10_20100917U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 10 flightID = 20100917U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -22.6~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 19.0~S~o~N~C 0 66 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . %%%%% flighter_plotter.ncl has finished creating earth relative plots for karl(2010) %%%%%