Copyright (C) 1995-2019 - All Rights Reserved University Corporation for Atmospheric Research NCAR Command Language Version 6.6.2 The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement. See for more details. Entering module_flight_set_paths_and_program_control_parameters . . . Running on: casper by jvigh ===================================================================================================================== Running on casper by jvigh stormyear = 2015 stormname = patricia The .trak file for this storm is present in the raw data directory. ===================================================================================================================== Leaving module_flight_set_paths_and_program_control_parameters . . . The stormID for stormname = patricia and stormyear = 2015 is EP202015 The IBTrACS stormID for stormname = patricia and stormyear = 2015 and ATCF stormID = EP202015 is 2015293N13266 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finding the start and stopping points of the ferry portions of each flight: kflight = 0 20151020I1 good flight data_start_index = 0 flight_start_index = 89 ferry_start_index = 89 ferry_end_index = 7213 flight_end_index = 7798 data_end_index = 8226 kflight = 1 20151021I1 good flight data_start_index = 0 flight_start_index = 13596 ferry_start_index = 81 ferry_end_index = 35479 flight_end_index = 35478 data_end_index = 35480 kflight = 2 20151022I1 good flight data_start_index = 0 flight_start_index = 6112 ferry_start_index = 6873 ferry_end_index = 29613 flight_end_index = 29613 data_end_index = 29615 kflight = 3 20151022U1 good flight data_start_index = 0 flight_start_index = 2338 ferry_start_index = 2963 ferry_end_index = 38012 flight_end_index = 38012 data_end_index = 38012 kflight = 4 20151023I1 good flight data_start_index = 0 flight_start_index = 4999 ferry_start_index = 91 ferry_end_index = 35065 flight_end_index = 35065 data_end_index = 35067 Diagnostic information about the data for this storm: The minimum platform_latitude is: 12.3371 The maximum platform_latitude is: 30.51 The minimum platform_longitude is: -106.675 The maximum platform_longitude is: -85.3168 The wind center track file is present. Using the original .trak file downloaded from HRD. Entering procedure read_track_wind_center . . . Entering procedure create_time_coordinate . . . Exiting procedure create_time_coordinate . . . Exiting procedure read_track_wind_center . . . WARNING: substantial missing data gap inferred due to difference in initial and average sampling periods. iflight = 0 initial_sample_period = 1 start_time_offset = 1445365719 end_time_offset = 1445373945 initial_sample_period = 1 flight_time_seconds = 8226 flight_time_hours = 2.285 ndatapoints = 8227 average_sample_period = 0 WARNING: substantial missing data gap inferred due to difference in initial and average sampling periods. iflight = 1 initial_sample_period = 1 start_time_offset = 1445432559 end_time_offset = 1445468039 initial_sample_period = 1 flight_time_seconds = 35480 flight_time_hours = 9.85556 ndatapoints = 35481 average_sample_period = 0 WARNING: substantial missing data gap inferred due to difference in initial and average sampling periods. iflight = 2 initial_sample_period = 1 start_time_offset = 1445519565 end_time_offset = 1445549180 initial_sample_period = 1 flight_time_seconds = 29615 flight_time_hours = 8.22639 ndatapoints = 29616 average_sample_period = 0 iflight = 3 initial_sample_period = 1 start_time_offset = 1445556353 end_time_offset = 1445594697 initial_sample_period = 1 flight_time_seconds = 38344 flight_time_hours = 10.6511 ndatapoints = 38013 average_sample_period = 1 WARNING: substantial missing data gap inferred due to difference in initial and average sampling periods. iflight = 4 initial_sample_period = 1 start_time_offset = 1445606668 end_time_offset = 1445641735 initial_sample_period = 1 flight_time_seconds = 35067 flight_time_hours = 9.74083 ndatapoints = 35068 average_sample_period = 0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now creating plots for flight_track ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for all flights. There are 5 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 data_start_index for iflight = 0 is 0 data_end_index is 8226 data_start_index for iflight = 1 is 8227 data_end_index is 43707 data_start_index for iflight = 2 is 43708 data_end_index is 73323 data_start_index for iflight = 3 is 73324 data_end_index is 111336 data_start_index for iflight = 4 is 111337 data_end_index is 146404 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 12.3371 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.51 unadjusted minlon is: -106.675 unadjusted maxlon is: -85.3168 first adjusted minlon is: -115.123 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.869 minlon is: -115.123 maxlon is: -76.869 adjusted lon range is: 38.254 adjusted lon center is: -95.996 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_patricia_2015_all_flights resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 26.2199 27.5919 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 26.2199 27.5919 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -97.6598 -85.3168 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -97.6598 -85.3184 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 12.3371 26.2403 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 12.3371 26.2403 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -100.466 -96.203 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -100.465 -96.203 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 13.8046 26.2403 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 13.8046 26.2403 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -105.494 -97.5277 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -105.494 -97.5277 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 15.2 30.51 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 15.2 30.51 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -106.5 -88.88 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -106.5 -88.88 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 16.8716 26.2403 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 16.8716 26.2403 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -106.675 -95.5998 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -106.675 -95.6077 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for 20151020I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 data_start_index = data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 89 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 89 ferry_end_index = 7213 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 26.2199 unadjusted maxlat is: 27.5919 unadjusted minlon is: -97.6598 unadjusted maxlon is: -85.3168 first adjusted minlon is: -97.9598 first adjusted maxlon is: -85.0168 minlon is: -97.9598 maxlon is: -85.0168 adjusted lon range is: 12.943 adjusted lon center is: -91.4883 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_patricia_2015_single_flight_0_20151020I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 26.2199 27.5919 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 26.2199 27.5919 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -97.6598 -85.3168 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -97.6598 -85.3184 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for 20151021I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 data_start_index = 8227 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 21823 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 8308 ferry_end_index = 7213 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 12.3371 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.2403 unadjusted minlon is: -100.466 unadjusted maxlon is: -96.203 first adjusted minlon is: -106.992 first adjusted maxlon is: -89.6765 minlon is: -106.992 maxlon is: -89.6765 adjusted lon range is: 17.3155 adjusted lon center is: -98.3343 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_patricia_2015_single_flight_1_20151021I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 26.2199 27.5919 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 12.3371 26.2403 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -97.6598 -85.3168 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -100.465 -96.203 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for 20151022I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 data_start_index = 43708 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 49820 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 50581 ferry_end_index = 7213 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 13.8046 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.2403 unadjusted minlon is: -105.494 unadjusted maxlon is: -97.5277 first adjusted minlon is: -111.36 first adjusted maxlon is: -91.6616 minlon is: -111.36 maxlon is: -91.6616 adjusted lon range is: 19.6986 adjusted lon center is: -101.511 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_patricia_2015_single_flight_2_20151022I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 26.2199 27.5919 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 13.8046 26.2403 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -97.6598 -85.3168 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -105.494 -97.5277 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for 20151022U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 data_start_index = 73324 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 75662 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 76287 ferry_end_index = 7213 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 15.2 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.51 unadjusted minlon is: -106.5 unadjusted maxlon is: -88.88 first adjusted minlon is: -113.66 first adjusted maxlon is: -81.7205 minlon is: -113.66 maxlon is: -81.7205 adjusted lon range is: 31.939 adjusted lon center is: -97.69 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_patricia_2015_single_flight_3_20151022U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 26.2199 27.5919 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 15.2 30.51 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -97.6598 -85.3168 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -106.5 -88.88 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for 20151023I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 data_start_index = 111337 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 116336 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 111428 ferry_end_index = 7213 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.8716 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.2403 unadjusted minlon is: -106.675 unadjusted maxlon is: -95.5998 first adjusted minlon is: -111.161 first adjusted maxlon is: -91.1139 minlon is: -111.161 maxlon is: -91.1139 adjusted lon range is: 20.0472 adjusted lon center is: -101.137 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_patricia_2015_single_flight_4_20151023I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 26.2199 27.5919 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 16.8716 26.2403 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -97.6598 -85.3168 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -106.675 -95.6077 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now creating plots for flight_level_pressure_along_track ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for all flights. There are 5 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 data_start_index for iflight = 0 is 0 data_end_index is 8226 data_start_index for iflight = 1 is 8227 data_end_index is 43707 data_start_index for iflight = 2 is 43708 data_end_index is 73323 data_start_index for iflight = 3 is 73324 data_end_index is 111336 data_start_index for iflight = 4 is 111337 data_end_index is 146404 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 12.3371 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.51 unadjusted minlon is: -106.675 unadjusted maxlon is: -85.3168 first adjusted minlon is: -115.123 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.869 minlon is: -115.123 maxlon is: -76.869 adjusted lon range is: 38.254 adjusted lon center is: -95.996 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_patricia_2015_all_flights resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 248.9 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1020.8 mb plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 248.9 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1020.8 mb plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 248.9 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1020.8 mb plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 248.9 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1020.8 mb plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 248.9 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1020.8 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for 20151020I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 data_start_index = data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 89 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 89 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151020I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 26.3148 unadjusted maxlat is: 27.5919 unadjusted minlon is: -97.0172 unadjusted maxlon is: -85.3168 first adjusted minlon is: -97.3172 first adjusted maxlon is: -85.0168 minlon is: -97.3172 maxlon is: -85.0168 adjusted lon range is: 12.3005 adjusted lon center is: -91.167 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_patricia_2015_single_flight_0_20151020I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 357.7 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 580.0 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for 20151021I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 data_start_index = 8227 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 21823 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 8308 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151021I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 12.3371 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.2403 unadjusted minlon is: -100.466 unadjusted maxlon is: -96.203 first adjusted minlon is: -106.992 first adjusted maxlon is: -89.6765 minlon is: -106.992 maxlon is: -89.6765 adjusted lon range is: 17.3155 adjusted lon center is: -98.3343 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_patricia_2015_single_flight_1_20151021I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 248.9 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1018.3 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for 20151022I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 data_start_index = 43708 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 49820 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 50581 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151022I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 13.8046 unadjusted maxlat is: 25.5001 unadjusted minlon is: -105.494 unadjusted maxlon is: -97.7152 first adjusted minlon is: -111.027 first adjusted maxlon is: -92.1822 minlon is: -111.027 maxlon is: -92.1822 adjusted lon range is: 18.845 adjusted lon center is: -101.605 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_patricia_2015_single_flight_2_20151022I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 374.6 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 700.1 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for 20151022U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 data_start_index = 73324 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 75662 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 76287 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151022U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 15.2 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.12 unadjusted minlon is: -106.5 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.31 first adjusted minlon is: -113.484 first adjusted maxlon is: -82.326 minlon is: -113.484 maxlon is: -82.326 adjusted lon range is: 31.158 adjusted lon center is: -97.905 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_patricia_2015_single_flight_3_20151022U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 343.0 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 710.7 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for 20151023I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 data_start_index = 111337 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 116336 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 111428 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151023I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.8716 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.2403 unadjusted minlon is: -106.675 unadjusted maxlon is: -95.5998 first adjusted minlon is: -111.161 first adjusted maxlon is: -91.1139 minlon is: -111.161 maxlon is: -91.1139 adjusted lon range is: 20.0472 adjusted lon center is: -101.137 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_patricia_2015_single_flight_4_20151023I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 249.0 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1013.4 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now creating plots for sea_level_pressure_along_track ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for all flights. There are 5 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 data_start_index for iflight = 0 is 0 data_end_index is 8226 data_start_index for iflight = 1 is 8227 data_end_index is 43707 data_start_index for iflight = 2 is 43708 data_end_index is 73323 data_start_index for iflight = 3 is 73324 data_end_index is 111336 data_start_index for iflight = 4 is 111337 data_end_index is 146404 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 12.3371 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.51 unadjusted minlon is: -106.675 unadjusted maxlon is: -85.3168 first adjusted minlon is: -115.123 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.869 minlon is: -115.123 maxlon is: -76.869 adjusted lon range is: 38.254 adjusted lon center is: -95.996 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_patricia_2015_all_flights resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 249.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1027.6 mb plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 249.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1027.6 mb plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 249.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1027.6 mb plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 249.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1027.6 mb plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 249.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1027.6 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for 20151020I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 data_start_index = data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 89 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 89 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151020I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 26.3148 unadjusted maxlat is: 27.5919 unadjusted minlon is: -97.0172 unadjusted maxlon is: -85.3168 first adjusted minlon is: -97.3172 first adjusted maxlon is: -85.0168 minlon is: -97.3172 maxlon is: -85.0168 adjusted lon range is: 12.3005 adjusted lon center is: -91.167 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_patricia_2015_single_flight_0_20151020I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1002.3 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1020.3 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for 20151021I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 data_start_index = 8227 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 21823 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 8308 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151021I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 12.3371 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.2403 unadjusted minlon is: -100.466 unadjusted maxlon is: -96.203 first adjusted minlon is: -106.992 first adjusted maxlon is: -89.6765 minlon is: -106.992 maxlon is: -89.6765 adjusted lon range is: 17.3155 adjusted lon center is: -98.3343 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_patricia_2015_single_flight_1_20151021I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 249.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1020.1 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for 20151022I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 data_start_index = 43708 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 49820 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 50581 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151022I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 13.8046 unadjusted maxlat is: 25.5001 unadjusted minlon is: -105.494 unadjusted maxlon is: -97.7152 first adjusted minlon is: -111.027 first adjusted maxlon is: -92.1822 minlon is: -111.027 maxlon is: -92.1822 adjusted lon range is: 18.845 adjusted lon center is: -101.605 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_patricia_2015_single_flight_2_20151022I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 951.7 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1012.3 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for 20151022U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 data_start_index = 73324 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 75662 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 76287 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151022U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 15.2 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.12 unadjusted minlon is: -106.5 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.31 first adjusted minlon is: -113.484 first adjusted maxlon is: -82.326 minlon is: -113.484 maxlon is: -82.326 adjusted lon range is: 31.158 adjusted lon center is: -97.905 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_patricia_2015_single_flight_3_20151022U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 882.7 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1019.2 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for 20151023I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 data_start_index = 111337 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 116336 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 111428 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151023I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.8716 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.2403 unadjusted minlon is: -106.675 unadjusted maxlon is: -95.5998 first adjusted minlon is: -111.161 first adjusted maxlon is: -91.1139 minlon is: -111.161 maxlon is: -91.1139 adjusted lon range is: 20.0472 adjusted lon center is: -101.137 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_patricia_2015_single_flight_4_20151023I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 249.5 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1015.2 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now creating plots for flight_level_wind_speed_along_track ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for all flights. There are 5 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 data_start_index for iflight = 0 is 0 data_end_index is 8226 data_start_index for iflight = 1 is 8227 data_end_index is 43707 data_start_index for iflight = 2 is 43708 data_end_index is 73323 data_start_index for iflight = 3 is 73324 data_end_index is 111336 data_start_index for iflight = 4 is 111337 data_end_index is 146404 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 12.3371 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.51 unadjusted minlon is: -106.675 unadjusted maxlon is: -85.3168 first adjusted minlon is: -115.123 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.869 minlon is: -115.123 maxlon is: -76.869 adjusted lon range is: 38.254 adjusted lon center is: -95.996 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_patricia_2015_all_flights resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 104.8 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 104.8 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 104.8 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 104.8 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 104.8 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for 20151020I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 data_start_index = data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 89 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 89 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151020I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 26.3148 unadjusted maxlat is: 27.5919 unadjusted minlon is: -97.0172 unadjusted maxlon is: -85.3168 first adjusted minlon is: -97.3172 first adjusted maxlon is: -85.0168 minlon is: -97.3172 maxlon is: -85.0168 adjusted lon range is: 12.3005 adjusted lon center is: -91.167 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_patricia_2015_single_flight_0_20151020I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 4.1 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 21.1 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for 20151021I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 data_start_index = 8227 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 21823 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 8308 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151021I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 12.3371 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.2403 unadjusted minlon is: -100.466 unadjusted maxlon is: -96.203 first adjusted minlon is: -106.992 first adjusted maxlon is: -89.6765 minlon is: -106.992 maxlon is: -89.6765 adjusted lon range is: 17.3155 adjusted lon center is: -98.3343 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_patricia_2015_single_flight_1_20151021I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.1 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 31.6 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for 20151022I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 data_start_index = 43708 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 49820 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 50581 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151022I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 13.8046 unadjusted maxlat is: 25.5001 unadjusted minlon is: -105.494 unadjusted maxlon is: -97.7152 first adjusted minlon is: -111.027 first adjusted maxlon is: -92.1822 minlon is: -111.027 maxlon is: -92.1822 adjusted lon range is: 18.845 adjusted lon center is: -101.605 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_patricia_2015_single_flight_2_20151022I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.4 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 62.2 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for 20151022U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 data_start_index = 73324 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 75662 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 76287 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151022U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 15.2 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.12 unadjusted minlon is: -106.5 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.31 first adjusted minlon is: -113.484 first adjusted maxlon is: -82.326 minlon is: -113.484 maxlon is: -82.326 adjusted lon range is: 31.158 adjusted lon center is: -97.905 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_patricia_2015_single_flight_3_20151022U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.5 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 103.4 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for 20151023I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 data_start_index = 111337 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 116336 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 111428 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151023I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.8716 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.2403 unadjusted minlon is: -106.675 unadjusted maxlon is: -95.5998 first adjusted minlon is: -111.161 first adjusted maxlon is: -91.1139 minlon is: -111.161 maxlon is: -91.1139 adjusted lon range is: 20.0472 adjusted lon center is: -101.137 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_patricia_2015_single_flight_4_20151023I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 104.8 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now creating plots for sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_raw ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_raw for all flights. There are 5 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 data_start_index for iflight = 0 is 0 data_end_index is 8226 data_start_index for iflight = 1 is 8227 data_end_index is 43707 data_start_index for iflight = 2 is 43708 data_end_index is 73323 data_start_index for iflight = 3 is 73324 data_end_index is 111336 data_start_index for iflight = 4 is 111337 data_end_index is 146404 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 12.3371 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.51 unadjusted minlon is: -106.675 unadjusted maxlon is: -85.3168 first adjusted minlon is: -115.123 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.869 minlon is: -115.123 maxlon is: -76.869 adjusted lon range is: 38.254 adjusted lon center is: -95.996 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_raw_patricia_2015_all_flights resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 99.8 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 99.8 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 99.8 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 99.8 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 99.8 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_raw for 20151020I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 data_start_index = data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 89 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 89 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151020I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 26.3148 unadjusted maxlat is: 27.5919 unadjusted minlon is: -97.0172 unadjusted maxlon is: -85.3168 first adjusted minlon is: -97.3172 first adjusted maxlon is: -85.0168 minlon is: -97.3172 maxlon is: -85.0168 adjusted lon range is: 12.3005 adjusted lon center is: -91.167 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_raw_patricia_2015_single_flight_0_20151020I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 25.9 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_raw for 20151021I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 data_start_index = 8227 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 21823 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 8308 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151021I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 12.3371 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.2403 unadjusted minlon is: -100.466 unadjusted maxlon is: -96.203 first adjusted minlon is: -106.992 first adjusted maxlon is: -89.6765 minlon is: -106.992 maxlon is: -89.6765 adjusted lon range is: 17.3155 adjusted lon center is: -98.3343 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_raw_patricia_2015_single_flight_1_20151021I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 37.3 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_raw for 20151022I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 data_start_index = 43708 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 49820 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 50581 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151022I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 13.8046 unadjusted maxlat is: 25.5001 unadjusted minlon is: -105.494 unadjusted maxlon is: -97.7152 first adjusted minlon is: -111.027 first adjusted maxlon is: -92.1822 minlon is: -111.027 maxlon is: -92.1822 adjusted lon range is: 18.845 adjusted lon center is: -101.605 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_raw_patricia_2015_single_flight_2_20151022I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 2.1 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 60.7 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_raw for 20151022U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 data_start_index = 73324 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 75662 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 76287 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151022U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 15.2 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.12 unadjusted minlon is: -106.5 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.31 first adjusted minlon is: -113.484 first adjusted maxlon is: -82.326 minlon is: -113.484 maxlon is: -82.326 adjusted lon range is: 31.158 adjusted lon center is: -97.905 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_raw_patricia_2015_single_flight_3_20151022U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 99.8 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_raw for 20151023I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 data_start_index = 111337 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 116336 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 111428 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151023I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.8716 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.2403 unadjusted minlon is: -106.675 unadjusted maxlon is: -95.5998 first adjusted minlon is: -111.161 first adjusted maxlon is: -91.1139 minlon is: -111.161 maxlon is: -91.1139 adjusted lon range is: 20.0472 adjusted lon center is: -101.137 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_raw_patricia_2015_single_flight_4_20151023I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 2.2 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 87.2 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now creating plots for sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_quality_controlled ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_quality_controlled for all flights. There are 5 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 data_start_index for iflight = 0 is 0 data_end_index is 8226 data_start_index for iflight = 1 is 8227 data_end_index is 43707 data_start_index for iflight = 2 is 43708 data_end_index is 73323 data_start_index for iflight = 3 is 73324 data_end_index is 111336 data_start_index for iflight = 4 is 111337 data_end_index is 146404 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 12.3371 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.51 unadjusted minlon is: -106.675 unadjusted maxlon is: -85.3168 first adjusted minlon is: -115.123 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.869 minlon is: -115.123 maxlon is: -76.869 adjusted lon range is: 38.254 adjusted lon center is: -95.996 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_quality_controlled_patricia_2015_all_flights resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 99.8 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 99.8 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 99.8 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 99.8 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 99.8 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_quality_controlled for 20151020I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 data_start_index = data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 89 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 89 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151020I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 26.3148 unadjusted maxlat is: 27.5919 unadjusted minlon is: -97.0172 unadjusted maxlon is: -85.3168 first adjusted minlon is: -97.3172 first adjusted maxlon is: -85.0168 minlon is: -97.3172 maxlon is: -85.0168 adjusted lon range is: 12.3005 adjusted lon center is: -91.167 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_quality_controlled_patricia_2015_single_flight_0_20151020I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 25.9 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_quality_controlled for 20151021I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 data_start_index = 8227 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 21823 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 8308 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151021I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 12.3371 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.2403 unadjusted minlon is: -100.466 unadjusted maxlon is: -96.203 first adjusted minlon is: -106.992 first adjusted maxlon is: -89.6765 minlon is: -106.992 maxlon is: -89.6765 adjusted lon range is: 17.3155 adjusted lon center is: -98.3343 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_quality_controlled_patricia_2015_single_flight_1_20151021I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 37.3 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_quality_controlled for 20151022I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 data_start_index = 43708 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 49820 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 50581 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151022I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 13.8046 unadjusted maxlat is: 25.5001 unadjusted minlon is: -105.494 unadjusted maxlon is: -97.7152 first adjusted minlon is: -111.027 first adjusted maxlon is: -92.1822 minlon is: -111.027 maxlon is: -92.1822 adjusted lon range is: 18.845 adjusted lon center is: -101.605 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_quality_controlled_patricia_2015_single_flight_2_20151022I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 8.4 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 60.7 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_quality_controlled for 20151022U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 data_start_index = 73324 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 75662 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 76287 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151022U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 15.2 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.12 unadjusted minlon is: -106.5 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.31 first adjusted minlon is: -113.484 first adjusted maxlon is: -82.326 minlon is: -113.484 maxlon is: -82.326 adjusted lon range is: 31.158 adjusted lon center is: -97.905 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_quality_controlled_patricia_2015_single_flight_3_20151022U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 99.8 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_quality_controlled for 20151023I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 data_start_index = 111337 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 116336 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 111428 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151023I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.8716 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.2403 unadjusted minlon is: -106.675 unadjusted maxlon is: -95.5998 first adjusted minlon is: -111.161 first adjusted maxlon is: -91.1139 minlon is: -111.161 maxlon is: -91.1139 adjusted lon range is: 20.0472 adjusted lon center is: -101.137 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_quality_controlled_patricia_2015_single_flight_4_20151023I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: 3.1 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: 87.2 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now creating plots for flight_level_temperature_along_track ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for all flights. There are 5 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 data_start_index for iflight = 0 is 0 data_end_index is 8226 data_start_index for iflight = 1 is 8227 data_end_index is 43707 data_start_index for iflight = 2 is 43708 data_end_index is 73323 data_start_index for iflight = 3 is 73324 data_end_index is 111336 data_start_index for iflight = 4 is 111337 data_end_index is 146404 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 12.3371 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.51 unadjusted minlon is: -106.675 unadjusted maxlon is: -85.3168 first adjusted minlon is: -115.123 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.869 minlon is: -115.123 maxlon is: -76.869 adjusted lon range is: 38.254 adjusted lon center is: -95.996 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_patricia_2015_all_flights resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -25.6~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 41.7~S~o~N~C 0 104 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -25.6~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 41.7~S~o~N~C 0 117 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -25.6~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 41.7~S~o~N~C 0 91 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -25.6~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 41.7~S~o~N~C 0 90 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -25.6~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 41.7~S~o~N~C 0 95 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for 20151020I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 data_start_index = data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 89 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 89 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151020I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 26.3148 unadjusted maxlat is: 27.5919 unadjusted minlon is: -97.0172 unadjusted maxlon is: -85.3168 first adjusted minlon is: -97.3172 first adjusted maxlon is: -85.0168 minlon is: -97.3172 maxlon is: -85.0168 adjusted lon range is: 12.3005 adjusted lon center is: -91.167 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_patricia_2015_single_flight_0_20151020I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20151020I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -23.7~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 2.4~S~o~N~C 0 28 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for 20151021I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 data_start_index = 8227 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 21823 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 8308 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151021I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 12.3371 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.2403 unadjusted minlon is: -100.466 unadjusted maxlon is: -96.203 first adjusted minlon is: -106.992 first adjusted maxlon is: -89.6765 minlon is: -106.992 maxlon is: -89.6765 adjusted lon range is: 17.3155 adjusted lon center is: -98.3343 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_patricia_2015_single_flight_1_20151021I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20151021I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -11.6~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 41.7~S~o~N~C 0 117 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for 20151022I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 data_start_index = 43708 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 49820 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 50581 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151022I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 13.8046 unadjusted maxlat is: 25.5001 unadjusted minlon is: -105.494 unadjusted maxlon is: -97.7152 first adjusted minlon is: -111.027 first adjusted maxlon is: -92.1822 minlon is: -111.027 maxlon is: -92.1822 adjusted lon range is: 18.845 adjusted lon center is: -101.605 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_patricia_2015_single_flight_2_20151022I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20151022I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -17.2~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 20.1~S~o~N~C 0 68 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for 20151022U1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 Data availability summary for iflight = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 data_start_index = 73324 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 75662 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 76287 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151022U1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 15.2 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.12 unadjusted minlon is: -106.5 unadjusted maxlon is: -89.31 first adjusted minlon is: -113.484 first adjusted maxlon is: -82.326 minlon is: -113.484 maxlon is: -82.326 adjusted lon range is: 31.158 adjusted lon center is: -97.905 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_patricia_2015_single_flight_3_20151022U1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20151022U1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -25.6~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 29.5~S~o~N~C 0 88 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for 20151023I1. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 Data availability summary for iflight = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 data_start_index = 111337 data_end_index = 8226 flight_start_index = 116336 flight_end_index = 7798 ferry_start_index = 111428 ferry_end_index = 7213 INFORMATION: 20151023I1 is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.8716 unadjusted maxlat is: 26.2403 unadjusted minlon is: -106.675 unadjusted maxlon is: -95.5998 first adjusted minlon is: -111.161 first adjusted maxlon is: -91.1139 minlon is: -111.161 maxlon is: -91.1139 adjusted lon range is: 20.0472 adjusted lon center is: -101.137 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_patricia_2015_single_flight_4_20151023I1 resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20151023I1 sampling period for this flight = 1 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -22.3~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 32.2~S~o~N~C 0 94 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . %%%%% flighter_plotter.ncl has finished creating earth relative plots for patricia(2015) %%%%%