Copyright (C) 1995-2017 - All Rights Reserved University Corporation for Atmospheric Research NCAR Command Language Version 6.4.0 The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement. See for more details. ===================================================================================================================== Running on geyser by jvigh stormyear = 2005 stormname = gamma The .trak file for this storm is present in the raw data directory. ===================================================================================================================== The stormID for stormname = gamma and stormyear = 2005 is AL282005 The IBTrACS stormID for stormname = gamma and stormyear = 2005 and ATCF stormID = AL282005 is 2005318N13298 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finding the start and stopping points of the ferry portions of each flight: add_whitespace: WARNING: the maximum desired string length is 12 but the input string 20051115U1GAMMA is 15 characters. Cannot add whitespace. Returning the original string truncated to this length. kflight = 0 20051115U1GAM good flight data_start_index = 0 flight_start_index = 76 ferry_start_index = 135 ferry_end_index = 3186 flight_end_index = 3186 data_end_index = 3186 add_whitespace: WARNING: the maximum desired string length is 12 but the input string 20051117U1GAMMA is 15 characters. Cannot add whitespace. Returning the original string truncated to this length. kflight = 1 20051117U1GAM good flight data_start_index = 0 flight_start_index = 101 ferry_start_index = 158 ferry_end_index = 2712 flight_end_index = 2712 data_end_index = 2712 add_whitespace: WARNING: the maximum desired string length is 12 but the input string 20051118U1GAMMA is 15 characters. Cannot add whitespace. Returning the original string truncated to this length. kflight = 2 20051118U1GAM good flight data_start_index = 0 flight_start_index = 56 ferry_start_index = 121 ferry_end_index = 3583 flight_end_index = 3583 data_end_index = 3583 add_whitespace: WARNING: the maximum desired string length is 12 but the input string 20051119U1GAMMA is 15 characters. Cannot add whitespace. Returning the original string truncated to this length. kflight = 3 20051119U1GAM good flight data_start_index = 0 flight_start_index = 64 ferry_start_index = 120 ferry_end_index = 3234 flight_end_index = 3234 data_end_index = 3234 add_whitespace: WARNING: the maximum desired string length is 12 but the input string 20051120U1GAMMA is 15 characters. Cannot add whitespace. Returning the original string truncated to this length. kflight = 4 20051120U1GAM good flight data_start_index = 0 flight_start_index = 74 ferry_start_index = 168 ferry_end_index = 3701 flight_end_index = 3701 data_end_index = 3701 Diagnostic information about the data for this storm: The minimum platform_latitude is: 11.339 The maximum platform_latitude is: 30.482 The minimum platform_longitude is: -89.693 The maximum platform_longitude is: -64.697 The wind center track file is present. Using the original .trak file downloaded from HRD. Entering procedure read_track_wind_center . . . Entering procedure create_time_coordinate . . . Exiting procedure create_time_coordinate . . . Found nonmonotonic point at it = 3970, setting wind center time, lat, and lon to _FillValue. Found nonmonotonic point at it = 3971, setting wind center time, lat, and lon to _FillValue. Found nonmonotonic point at it = 3972, setting wind center time, lat, and lon to _FillValue. Found nonmonotonic point at it = 3973, setting wind center time, lat, and lon to _FillValue. Found nonmonotonic point at it = 3974, setting wind center time, lat, and lon to _FillValue. Exiting procedure read_track_wind_center . . . iflight = 0 initial_sample_period = 10 start_time_offset(iflight) = 1132056160 end_time_offset(iflight) = 1132088060 average_sample_period = 10 iflight = 1 initial_sample_period = 10 start_time_offset(iflight) = 1132235750 end_time_offset(iflight) = 1132263350 average_sample_period = 10 iflight = 2 initial_sample_period = 10 start_time_offset(iflight) = 1132322660 end_time_offset(iflight) = 1132358710 average_sample_period = 10 iflight = 3 initial_sample_period = 10 start_time_offset(iflight) = 1132408610 end_time_offset(iflight) = 1132441010 average_sample_period = 10 iflight = 4 initial_sample_period = 10 start_time_offset(iflight) = 1132450550 end_time_offset(iflight) = 1132487670 average_sample_period = 10 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now creating plots for flight_track ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for all flights. There are 5 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA data_start_index for iflight = 0 is 0 data_end_index is 3186 data_start_index for iflight = 1 is 3187 data_end_index is 5899 data_start_index for iflight = 2 is 5900 data_end_index is 9483 data_start_index for iflight = 3 is 9484 data_end_index is 12718 data_start_index for iflight = 4 is 12719 data_end_index is 16420 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 11.339 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.482 unadjusted minlon is: -89.693 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.697 first adjusted minlon is: -89.993 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.397 minlon is: -89.993 maxlon is: -64.397 adjusted lon range is: 25.596 adjusted lon center is: -77.195 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_gamma_2005_all_flights resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 13.851 30.419 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 13.851 30.419 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -88.96 -66.751 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -88.96 -66.751 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 11.339 23.614 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 11.339 23.614 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -87.096 -64.697 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -87.096 -64.697 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 15.96 30.48 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 15.96 30.48 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -89.2 -83.509 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -89.2 -83.509 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 16.092 30.482 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 16.092 30.482 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -89.693 -83.016 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -89.693 -83.016 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 16.575 30.448 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 16.575 30.448 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -89.202 -83.564 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -89.202 -83.564 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for 20051115U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA data_start_index = data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 76 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 135 ferry_end_index = 3186 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 13.851 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.419 unadjusted minlon is: -88.96 unadjusted maxlon is: -66.751 first adjusted minlon is: -89.26 first adjusted maxlon is: -66.451 minlon is: -89.26 maxlon is: -66.451 adjusted lon range is: 22.809 adjusted lon center is: -77.8555 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_gamma_2005_single_flight_0_20051115U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 13.851 30.419 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 13.851 30.419 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -88.96 -66.751 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -88.96 -66.751 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for 20051117U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA data_start_index = 3187 data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 3288 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 3345 ferry_end_index = 3186 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 11.339 unadjusted maxlat is: 23.614 unadjusted minlon is: -87.096 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.697 first adjusted minlon is: -87.396 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.397 minlon is: -87.396 maxlon is: -64.397 adjusted lon range is: 22.999 adjusted lon center is: -75.8965 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_gamma_2005_single_flight_1_20051117U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 13.851 30.419 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 11.339 23.614 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -88.96 -66.751 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -87.096 -64.697 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for 20051118U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA data_start_index = 5900 data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 5956 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 6021 ferry_end_index = 3186 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 15.96 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.48 unadjusted minlon is: -89.2 unadjusted maxlon is: -83.509 first adjusted minlon is: -96.004 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.705 minlon is: -96.004 maxlon is: -76.705 adjusted lon range is: 19.299 adjusted lon center is: -86.3545 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_gamma_2005_single_flight_2_20051118U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 13.851 30.419 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 15.96 30.48 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -88.96 -66.751 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -89.2 -83.509 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for 20051119U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA data_start_index = 9484 data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 9548 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 9604 ferry_end_index = 3186 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.092 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.482 unadjusted minlon is: -89.693 unadjusted maxlon is: -83.016 first adjusted minlon is: -96.4385 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.2705 minlon is: -96.4385 maxlon is: -76.2705 adjusted lon range is: 20.168 adjusted lon center is: -86.3545 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_gamma_2005_single_flight_3_20051119U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 13.851 30.419 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 16.092 30.482 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -88.96 -66.751 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -89.693 -83.016 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_track for 20051120U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA data_start_index = 12719 data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 12793 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 12887 ferry_end_index = 3186 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.575 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.448 unadjusted minlon is: -89.202 unadjusted maxlon is: -83.564 first adjusted minlon is: -95.7149 first adjusted maxlon is: -77.0512 minlon is: -95.7149 maxlon is: -77.0512 adjusted lon range is: 18.6637 adjusted lon center is: -86.383 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_gamma_2005_single_flight_4_20051120U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Min/max latitude during flight (all data): 13.851 30.419 Min/max latitude during flight (resampled): 16.575 30.448 Min/max longitude during flight (all data): -88.96 -66.751 Min/max longitude during flight (resampled): -89.202 -83.564 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now creating plots for flight_level_pressure_along_track ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for all flights. There are 5 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA data_start_index for iflight = 0 is 0 data_end_index is 3186 data_start_index for iflight = 1 is 3187 data_end_index is 5899 data_start_index for iflight = 2 is 5900 data_end_index is 9483 data_start_index for iflight = 3 is 9484 data_end_index is 12718 data_start_index for iflight = 4 is 12719 data_end_index is 16420 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 11.339 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.482 unadjusted minlon is: -89.693 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.697 first adjusted minlon is: -89.993 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.397 minlon is: -89.993 maxlon is: -64.397 adjusted lon range is: 25.596 adjusted lon center is: -77.195 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_gamma_2005_all_flights resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 328.9 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1028.3 mb plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 328.9 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1028.3 mb plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 328.9 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1028.3 mb plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 328.9 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1028.3 mb plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 328.9 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 1028.3 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for 20051115U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA data_start_index = data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 76 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 135 ferry_end_index = 3186 INFORMATION: 20051115U1GAMMA is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 13.851 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.847 unadjusted minlon is: -88.87 unadjusted maxlon is: -66.751 first adjusted minlon is: -89.17 first adjusted maxlon is: -66.451 minlon is: -89.17 maxlon is: -66.451 adjusted lon range is: 22.719 adjusted lon center is: -77.8105 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_gamma_2005_single_flight_0_20051115U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 375.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 980.0 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for 20051117U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA data_start_index = 3187 data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 3288 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 3345 ferry_end_index = 3186 INFORMATION: 20051117U1GAMMA is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 11.339 unadjusted maxlat is: 23.614 unadjusted minlon is: -87.096 unadjusted maxlon is: -65.052 first adjusted minlon is: -87.396 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.752 minlon is: -87.396 maxlon is: -64.752 adjusted lon range is: 22.644 adjusted lon center is: -76.074 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_gamma_2005_single_flight_1_20051117U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 359.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 988.8 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for 20051118U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA data_start_index = 5900 data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 5956 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 6021 ferry_end_index = 3186 INFORMATION: 20051118U1GAMMA is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 15.96 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.976 unadjusted minlon is: -89.2 unadjusted maxlon is: -83.509 first adjusted minlon is: -95.7772 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.9318 minlon is: -95.7772 maxlon is: -76.9318 adjusted lon range is: 18.8454 adjusted lon center is: -86.3545 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_gamma_2005_single_flight_2_20051118U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 391.3 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 981.1 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for 20051119U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA data_start_index = 9484 data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 9548 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 9604 ferry_end_index = 3186 INFORMATION: 20051119U1GAMMA is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.092 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.233 unadjusted minlon is: -89.693 unadjusted maxlon is: -83.016 first adjusted minlon is: -96.3265 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.3825 minlon is: -96.3265 maxlon is: -76.3825 adjusted lon range is: 19.9439 adjusted lon center is: -86.3545 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_gamma_2005_single_flight_3_20051119U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 359.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 992.4 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_pressure_along_track for 20051120U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA data_start_index = 12719 data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 12793 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 12887 ferry_end_index = 3186 INFORMATION: 20051120U1GAMMA is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.575 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.625 unadjusted minlon is: -89.202 unadjusted maxlon is: -83.564 first adjusted minlon is: -95.3445 first adjusted maxlon is: -77.4215 minlon is: -95.3445 maxlon is: -77.4215 adjusted lon range is: 17.923 adjusted lon center is: -86.383 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_pressure_gamma_2005_single_flight_4_20051120U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL pressure for flight: 328.9 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL pressure for flight: 964.4 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now creating plots for sea_level_pressure_along_track ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for all flights. There are 5 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA data_start_index for iflight = 0 is 0 data_end_index is 3186 data_start_index for iflight = 1 is 3187 data_end_index is 5899 data_start_index for iflight = 2 is 5900 data_end_index is 9483 data_start_index for iflight = 3 is 9484 data_end_index is 12718 data_start_index for iflight = 4 is 12719 data_end_index is 16420 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 11.339 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.482 unadjusted minlon is: -89.693 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.697 first adjusted minlon is: -89.993 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.397 minlon is: -89.993 maxlon is: -64.397 adjusted lon range is: 25.596 adjusted lon center is: -77.195 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_gamma_2005_all_flights resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 996.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1029.7 mb plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 996.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1029.7 mb plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 996.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1029.7 mb plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 996.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1029.7 mb plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 996.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1029.7 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for 20051115U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA data_start_index = data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 76 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 135 ferry_end_index = 3186 INFORMATION: 20051115U1GAMMA is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 13.851 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.847 unadjusted minlon is: -88.87 unadjusted maxlon is: -66.751 first adjusted minlon is: -89.17 first adjusted maxlon is: -66.451 minlon is: -89.17 maxlon is: -66.451 adjusted lon range is: 22.719 adjusted lon center is: -77.8105 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_gamma_2005_single_flight_0_20051115U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1002.3 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1023.8 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for 20051117U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA data_start_index = 3187 data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 3288 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 3345 ferry_end_index = 3186 INFORMATION: 20051117U1GAMMA is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 11.339 unadjusted maxlat is: 23.614 unadjusted minlon is: -87.096 unadjusted maxlon is: -65.052 first adjusted minlon is: -87.396 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.752 minlon is: -87.396 maxlon is: -64.752 adjusted lon range is: 22.644 adjusted lon center is: -76.074 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_gamma_2005_single_flight_1_20051117U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 997.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1015.4 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for 20051118U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA data_start_index = 5900 data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 5956 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 6021 ferry_end_index = 3186 INFORMATION: 20051118U1GAMMA is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 15.96 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.976 unadjusted minlon is: -89.2 unadjusted maxlon is: -83.509 first adjusted minlon is: -95.7772 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.9318 minlon is: -95.7772 maxlon is: -76.9318 adjusted lon range is: 18.8454 adjusted lon center is: -86.3545 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_gamma_2005_single_flight_2_20051118U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1003.0 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1029.7 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for 20051119U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA data_start_index = 9484 data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 9548 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 9604 ferry_end_index = 3186 INFORMATION: 20051119U1GAMMA is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.092 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.233 unadjusted minlon is: -89.693 unadjusted maxlon is: -83.016 first adjusted minlon is: -96.3265 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.3825 minlon is: -96.3265 maxlon is: -76.3825 adjusted lon range is: 19.9439 adjusted lon center is: -86.3545 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_gamma_2005_single_flight_3_20051119U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 996.4 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1023.2 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sea_level_pressure_along_track for 20051120U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA data_start_index = 12719 data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 12793 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 12887 ferry_end_index = 3186 INFORMATION: 20051120U1GAMMA is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.575 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.625 unadjusted minlon is: -89.202 unadjusted maxlon is: -83.564 first adjusted minlon is: -95.3445 first adjusted maxlon is: -77.4215 minlon is: -95.3445 maxlon is: -77.4215 adjusted lon range is: 17.923 adjusted lon center is: -86.383 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sea_level_pressure_gamma_2005_single_flight_4_20051120U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1002.3 mb Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max extrap. sea level pressure for flight: 1026.3 mb Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now creating plots for flight_level_wind_speed_along_track ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for all flights. There are 5 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA data_start_index for iflight = 0 is 0 data_end_index is 3186 data_start_index for iflight = 1 is 3187 data_end_index is 5899 data_start_index for iflight = 2 is 5900 data_end_index is 9483 data_start_index for iflight = 3 is 9484 data_end_index is 12718 data_start_index for iflight = 4 is 12719 data_end_index is 16420 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 11.339 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.482 unadjusted minlon is: -89.693 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.697 first adjusted minlon is: -89.993 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.397 minlon is: -89.993 maxlon is: -64.397 adjusted lon range is: 25.596 adjusted lon center is: -77.195 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_gamma_2005_all_flights resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 5715999614530247263109775360.0 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 5715999614530247263109775360.0 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 5715999614530247263109775360.0 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 5715999614530247263109775360.0 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 5715999614530247263109775360.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for 20051115U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA data_start_index = data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 76 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 135 ferry_end_index = 3186 INFORMATION: 20051115U1GAMMA is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 13.851 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.847 unadjusted minlon is: -88.87 unadjusted maxlon is: -66.751 first adjusted minlon is: -89.17 first adjusted maxlon is: -66.451 minlon is: -89.17 maxlon is: -66.451 adjusted lon range is: 22.719 adjusted lon center is: -77.8105 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_gamma_2005_single_flight_0_20051115U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.1 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 21.9 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for 20051117U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA data_start_index = 3187 data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 3288 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 3345 ferry_end_index = 3186 INFORMATION: 20051117U1GAMMA is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 11.339 unadjusted maxlat is: 23.614 unadjusted minlon is: -87.096 unadjusted maxlon is: -65.052 first adjusted minlon is: -87.396 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.752 minlon is: -87.396 maxlon is: -64.752 adjusted lon range is: 22.644 adjusted lon center is: -76.074 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_gamma_2005_single_flight_1_20051117U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 1.1 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 25.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for 20051118U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA data_start_index = 5900 data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 5956 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 6021 ferry_end_index = 3186 INFORMATION: 20051118U1GAMMA is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 15.96 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.976 unadjusted minlon is: -89.2 unadjusted maxlon is: -83.509 first adjusted minlon is: -95.7772 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.9318 minlon is: -95.7772 maxlon is: -76.9318 adjusted lon range is: 18.8454 adjusted lon center is: -86.3545 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_gamma_2005_single_flight_2_20051118U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.4 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 28.9 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for 20051119U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA data_start_index = 9484 data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 9548 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 9604 ferry_end_index = 3186 INFORMATION: 20051119U1GAMMA is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.092 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.233 unadjusted minlon is: -89.693 unadjusted maxlon is: -83.016 first adjusted minlon is: -96.3265 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.3825 minlon is: -96.3265 maxlon is: -76.3825 adjusted lon range is: 19.9439 adjusted lon center is: -86.3545 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_gamma_2005_single_flight_3_20051119U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 0.5 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 28.5 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_wind_speed_along_track for 20051120U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA data_start_index = 12719 data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 12793 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 12887 ferry_end_index = 3186 INFORMATION: 20051120U1GAMMA is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.575 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.625 unadjusted minlon is: -89.202 unadjusted maxlon is: -83.564 first adjusted minlon is: -95.3445 first adjusted maxlon is: -77.4215 minlon is: -95.3445 maxlon is: -77.4215 adjusted lon range is: 17.923 adjusted lon center is: -86.383 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_wind_speed_gamma_2005_single_flight_4_20051120U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min FL wind speed for flight: 1.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max FL wind speed for flight: 38.2 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now creating plots for sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_raw ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_raw for all flights. There are 5 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA data_start_index for iflight = 0 is 0 data_end_index is 3186 data_start_index for iflight = 1 is 3187 data_end_index is 5899 data_start_index for iflight = 2 is 5900 data_end_index is 9483 data_start_index for iflight = 3 is 9484 data_end_index is 12718 data_start_index for iflight = 4 is 12719 data_end_index is 16420 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 11.339 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.482 unadjusted minlon is: -89.693 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.697 first adjusted minlon is: -89.993 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.397 minlon is: -89.993 maxlon is: -64.397 adjusted lon range is: 25.596 adjusted lon center is: -77.195 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_raw_gamma_2005_all_flights resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: -9999.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: -9999.0 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: -9999.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: -9999.0 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: -9999.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: -9999.0 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: -9999.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: -9999.0 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: -9999.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: -9999.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ############################################################################################################################# WARNING: All raw SFMR surface wind speeds are missing for the individual plot of 20051115U1GAMMA; this plot of sfmr surface wind speed along track raw will not be made. ############################################################################################################################# ############################################################################################################################# WARNING: All raw SFMR surface wind speeds are missing for the individual plot of 20051117U1GAMMA; this plot of sfmr surface wind speed along track raw will not be made. ############################################################################################################################# ############################################################################################################################# WARNING: All raw SFMR surface wind speeds are missing for the individual plot of 20051118U1GAMMA; this plot of sfmr surface wind speed along track raw will not be made. ############################################################################################################################# ############################################################################################################################# WARNING: All raw SFMR surface wind speeds are missing for the individual plot of 20051119U1GAMMA; this plot of sfmr surface wind speed along track raw will not be made. ############################################################################################################################# ############################################################################################################################# WARNING: All raw SFMR surface wind speeds are missing for the individual plot of 20051120U1GAMMA; this plot of sfmr surface wind speed along track raw will not be made. ############################################################################################################################# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now creating plots for sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_quality_controlled ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of sfmr_surface_wind_speed_along_track_quality_controlled for all flights. There are 5 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA data_start_index for iflight = 0 is 0 data_end_index is 3186 data_start_index for iflight = 1 is 3187 data_end_index is 5899 data_start_index for iflight = 2 is 5900 data_end_index is 9483 data_start_index for iflight = 3 is 9484 data_end_index is 12718 data_start_index for iflight = 4 is 12719 data_end_index is 16420 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 11.339 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.482 unadjusted minlon is: -89.693 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.697 first adjusted minlon is: -89.993 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.397 minlon is: -89.993 maxlon is: -64.397 adjusted lon range is: 25.596 adjusted lon center is: -77.195 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_sfmr_surface_wind_speed_quality_controlled_gamma_2005_all_flights resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: -9999.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: -9999.0 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: -9999.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: -9999.0 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: -9999.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: -9999.0 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: -9999.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: -9999.0 m s~S~-1~N~ plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min surface wind speed for flight: -9999.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max surface wind speed for flight: -9999.0 m s~S~-1~N~ Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ############################################################################################################################# WARNING: All QC'd SFMR surface wind speeds are missing for the individual plot of 20051115U1GAMMA; this plot of sfmr surface wind speed along track quality controlled will not be made. ############################################################################################################################# ############################################################################################################################# WARNING: All QC'd SFMR surface wind speeds are missing for the individual plot of 20051117U1GAMMA; this plot of sfmr surface wind speed along track quality controlled will not be made. ############################################################################################################################# ############################################################################################################################# WARNING: All QC'd SFMR surface wind speeds are missing for the individual plot of 20051118U1GAMMA; this plot of sfmr surface wind speed along track quality controlled will not be made. ############################################################################################################################# ############################################################################################################################# WARNING: All QC'd SFMR surface wind speeds are missing for the individual plot of 20051119U1GAMMA; this plot of sfmr surface wind speed along track quality controlled will not be made. ############################################################################################################################# ############################################################################################################################# WARNING: All QC'd SFMR surface wind speeds are missing for the individual plot of 20051120U1GAMMA; this plot of sfmr surface wind speed along track quality controlled will not be made. ############################################################################################################################# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now creating plots for flight_level_temperature_along_track ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for all flights. There are 5 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA data_start_index for iflight = 0 is 0 data_end_index is 3186 data_start_index for iflight = 1 is 3187 data_end_index is 5899 data_start_index for iflight = 2 is 5900 data_end_index is 9483 data_start_index for iflight = 3 is 9484 data_end_index is 12718 data_start_index for iflight = 4 is 12719 data_end_index is 16420 -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 11.339 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.482 unadjusted minlon is: -89.693 unadjusted maxlon is: -64.697 first adjusted minlon is: -89.993 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.397 minlon is: -89.993 maxlon is: -64.397 adjusted lon range is: 25.596 adjusted lon center is: -77.195 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_gamma_2005_all_flights resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -34.5~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 50.0~S~o~N~C 0 136 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -34.5~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 50.0~S~o~N~C 0 93 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -34.5~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 50.0~S~o~N~C 0 78 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -34.5~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 50.0~S~o~N~C 0 134 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -34.5~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 50.0~S~o~N~C 0 77 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for 20051115U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA data_start_index = data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 76 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 135 ferry_end_index = 3186 INFORMATION: 20051115U1GAMMA is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 13.851 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.847 unadjusted minlon is: -88.87 unadjusted maxlon is: -66.751 first adjusted minlon is: -89.17 first adjusted maxlon is: -66.451 minlon is: -89.17 maxlon is: -66.451 adjusted lon range is: 22.719 adjusted lon center is: -77.8105 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_gamma_2005_single_flight_0_20051115U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 0 flightID = 20051115U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -22.5~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 25.0~S~o~N~C 0 79 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for 20051117U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA data_start_index = 3187 data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 3288 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 3345 ferry_end_index = 3186 INFORMATION: 20051117U1GAMMA is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 11.339 unadjusted maxlat is: 23.614 unadjusted minlon is: -87.096 unadjusted maxlon is: -65.052 first adjusted minlon is: -87.396 first adjusted maxlon is: -64.752 minlon is: -87.396 maxlon is: -64.752 adjusted lon range is: 22.644 adjusted lon center is: -76.074 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_gamma_2005_single_flight_1_20051117U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 1 flightID = 20051117U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -23.0~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 25.5~S~o~N~C 0 80 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for 20051118U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA data_start_index = 5900 data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 5956 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 6021 ferry_end_index = 3186 INFORMATION: 20051118U1GAMMA is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 15.96 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.976 unadjusted minlon is: -89.2 unadjusted maxlon is: -83.509 first adjusted minlon is: -95.7772 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.9318 minlon is: -95.7772 maxlon is: -76.9318 adjusted lon range is: 18.8454 adjusted lon center is: -86.3545 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_gamma_2005_single_flight_2_20051118U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 2 flightID = 20051118U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -25.5~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 24.5~S~o~N~C 0 78 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for 20051119U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA data_start_index = 9484 data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 9548 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 9604 ferry_end_index = 3186 INFORMATION: 20051119U1GAMMA is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.092 unadjusted maxlat is: 30.233 unadjusted minlon is: -89.693 unadjusted maxlon is: -83.016 first adjusted minlon is: -96.3265 first adjusted maxlon is: -76.3825 minlon is: -96.3265 maxlon is: -76.3825 adjusted lon range is: 19.9439 adjusted lon center is: -86.3545 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_gamma_2005_single_flight_3_20051119U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 3 flightID = 20051119U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -25.1~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 25.6~S~o~N~C 0 81 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . ============================================================================================================================================== Entering function plot_flight_data_earth_relative to create a plot of flight_level_temperature_along_track for 20051120U1GAMMA. There are 1 flights to plot: flights_to_plot = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA Data availability summary for iflight = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA data_start_index = 12719 data_end_index = 3186 flight_start_index = 12793 flight_end_index = 3186 ferry_start_index = 12887 ferry_end_index = 3186 INFORMATION: 20051120U1GAMMA is either a ferry leg or a flight in which an unusually high proportion of the flight was less than the ferry pressure threshold of 580 mb. Setting an internal flag to NOT mask out the ferry portions of this flight. -------------------------------------- Now setting the limits of the domain: unadjusted minlat is: 16.575 unadjusted maxlat is: 29.625 unadjusted minlon is: -89.202 unadjusted maxlon is: -83.564 first adjusted minlon is: -95.3445 first adjusted maxlon is: -77.4215 minlon is: -95.3445 maxlon is: -77.4215 adjusted lon range is: 17.923 adjusted lon center is: -86.383 The plot filename is: plot_flight_track_with_flight_level_temperature_gamma_2005_single_flight_4_20051120U1GAMMA resample_period = 10 plotting iflight = 4 flightID = 20051120U1GAMMA sampling period for this flight = 10 Variable: minimum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Min temperature for flight: -34.5~S~o~N~C Variable: maximum_value_string Type: string Total Size: 8 bytes 1 values Number of Dimensions: 1 Dimensions and sizes: [1] Coordinates: Max temperature for flight: 23.9~S~o~N~C 0 77 Exiting function plot_flight_data_earth_relative . . . %%%%% flighter_plotter.ncl has finished creating earth relative plots for gamma(2005) %%%%%