TC-OBS Database | Documentation
Documentation for the Tropical Cyclone Observations-Based (TC-OBS) Database
This page provides documentation for the TC-OBS Database. The following tables provide information about the file and dimensional structure of the new database, as well as details about the various parameters contained therein. The database contains the full complement of Best Track/HURDAT2 parameters for the period 1989-2014, as well as a series of new obsevations-based estimates that comprise the core of the new database. Also provided are interpolated versions of some of the key Best Track parameters to facilitate easy comparison between the TC-OBS parameters and the Best Track.
The database is still under construction, but significant portions are now complete. The current status of each parameter is indicated in the tables below using the following key:
- complete: Parameter values have been finalized -- the database contains full data for this parameter.
- validation: Parameter values have been computed, but need to be validated prior to being considered as 'complete'.
- in progress: Work is actively underway on the methods used to estimate this parameter.
- future work: These are parameters that were not part of the original proposed scope of work, but which could be of interest for a future version of the database.
In total, there are 87 parameters defined in the database, including dimension sizes, coordinate variables, reference Best Track parameters, and the new observations-based parameters.
The table applies to version 0.38 of the TC-OBS Database, built 19 January 2016. This is release candidate #1 (RC1).
NOTE: A final version of the database will be built for release to the RPI member companies within the next day or so.
A full set of validation plots are currently being generated. These can be viewed on the applications page.
Parameters defining the file structure, etc.
Dimension Sizes
The TC-OBS Database includes 6 dimensions. The respective size of each dimension is given in the following table.
Parameter | Type | Size | Status |
nmaxcyclones | integer | 405 | complete |
nmaxtimepoints_BT | integer | 160 | complete |
nmaxtimepoints | integer | 1200 | complete |
nmaxquadrants | integer | 4 | complete |
nmaxradialpoints | integer | 501 | complete |
nmaxwindthresholds | integer | 7 | complete |
Coordinate Variables
A coordinate variable is provided for each dimension in the TC-OBS A coordinate variable whose dimension is itself. This is useful for using coordinate subscripting and also helps to define the NetCDF file structure in a manner that is self-describing. The following table lists the coordinate variables used in the TC-OBS Database.
Parameter | Type | Values | Units | Status |
cyclone | integer | [0 ... 404] | unitless | complete |
timepoint_BT | integer | [0 ... 159] | unitless | complete |
timepoint | integer | [0 ... 1199] | unitless | complete |
quadrant | integer | [0 ... 3] | unitless | complete |
radius | integer | [0 ... 500] | n mi | complete |
threshold | integer | [0 ... 6] | unitless | complete |
Ancillary parameters related to the coordinate variables
A couple ancillary parameters provide the central azimuth of each quadrant and the value of each wind speed threshold (used to define the thresholds of interest for the wind radii and radii exceedance probability parameters).
Parameter | Type | Values | Units | Status |
quadrant_central_azimuth | integer | [45, 135, 225, 315] | degrees (measuring clockwise from north) | complete |
wind_speed_threshold | integer | [34, 50, 64, 83, 96, 113, 137] | knots | complete |
Tunable parameters for the objective methods
The objective methods used to construct the observations-based output parameters have several parameters that control how much influence a nearby observation has versus one that is further away. Since these can be tuned to get results with different characteristics, the value of each tunable parameter is provided for purposes of database provenance.
Parameter | Type | Value | Unit | Status |
observational_influence_window_half_width_time | float | 6 | hours | complete |
efolding_time_scale_for_observation_influence | float | 4 | hours | complete |
efolding_data_scale_for_background_influence | float | 0.6666667 | effective observational data points | complete |
efolding_scale_for_fuzzy_classification | float | 0.10 | effective closeness to the maximum value of the observational classification parameter within the moving window | complete |
Metadata Parameters
Parameters which indicate availability of data from various datasets for the given cyclone
Each of the following parameters simply indicates if data from each of the three source datasets was available for a given cyclone. The remaining two parameters indicate if track information is available for the cyclone from the Willoughby-Rahn center-finding method.
Parameter | Type | Rank | Status |
VDM_data_present | logical | 1 | complete |
FLIGHT_data_present | logical | 1 | complete |
QSCAT_data_present | logical | 1 | complete |
FLIGHT_wind_center_trak_file_present | logical | 1 | complete |
FLIGHT_wind_center_fixs_file_present | logical | 1 | complete |
Parameters that provide metadata about each cyclone
A number of cyclone-level metadata parameters are provided in the database. Each of these parameters provides one item of metadata per cyclone. These metadata range from the stormname and stormid given to the cyclone, to information as to which basin it was in, what peak development status the cyclone achieved, how many data points are present for the cyclone, and whether the storm made landfall.
Parameter | Type | Rank | Source | Status |
CYCLONE_BT_npoints | integer | 1 | computed quantity | complete |
CYCLONE_TCOBS_npoints | integer | 1 | computed quantity | complete |
CYCLONE_ATCF_stormid | string | 1 | NHC post-season ATCF storm table | complete |
CYCLONE_ATCF_stormstatus | string | 1 | NHC post-season ATCF storm table | complete |
CYCLONE_ATCF_begin_date | string | 1 | NHC post-season ATCF storm table | complete |
CYCLONE_ATCF_end_date | string | 1 | NHC post-season ATCF storm table | complete |
CYCLONE_ATCF_peak | string | 1 | NHC post-season ATCF storm table | complete |
CYCLONE_ATCF_stormbasin | string | 1 | NHC post-season ATCF storm table | complete |
CYCLONE_ATCF_stormyear | string | 1 | NHC post-season ATCF storm table | complete |
CYCLONE_ATCF_stormnumber | string | 1 | NHC post-season ATCF storm table | complete |
CYCLONE_ATCF_cyclone_number | string | 1 | NHC post-season ATCF storm table | complete |
CYCLONE_ATCF_all_stormbasins | string | 1 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | complete |
CYCLONE_ATCF_all_subregions | string | 1 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | complete |
CYCLONE_ATCF_all_stormnames | string | 1 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | complete |
CYCLONE_ATCF_all_stormstatii | string | 1 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | complete |
CYCLONE_IBTrACS_stormid | string | 1 | IBTrACS (v03r07) | complete |
CYCLONE_TCOBS_cyclone_made_landfall | logical | 1 | computed quantity | complete |
CYCLONE_TCOBS_closest_approach_to_land | float | 1 | computed quantity | complete |
Best Track (HURDAT2) Parameters
'Best Track' parameters from the NHC post-season ATCF b-decks
The Best Track parameters provided in the database come from the NHC post-season archive ATCF b-decks. Since HURDAT2 is built from these b-decks, the data parameters provided here are equivalent to the respective parameters in HURDAT2. Each parameter includes one value for each time point in the cyclone's lifetime. Output is generally 6-hourly except when off-synoptic time points are included (e.g., to indicate the exact time of landfall, peak intensity, or a status change of the cyclone).
Parameter | Type | Rank | Source | Unit | Status |
BT_time | integer | 2 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 UTC | complete |
BT_yyyymmddhhmm | string | 2 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | (human-readable date/time) | complete |
BT_subregion | string | 2 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | ('A' = Arabian Sea, 'B' = Bay of Bengal, etc.) | complete |
BT_stormname | string | 2 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | (ATCF-assigned stormname, e.g. KATRINA) | complete |
BT_stormstatus | string | 2 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | ('TD' = Tropical Depression, 'TS' = Tropical Storm, etc.) | complete |
BT_latitude | float | 2 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | degrees_north | complete |
BT_longitude | float | 2 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | degrees_east | complete |
BT_central_pressure | integer | 2 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | millibar | complete |
BT_maximum_sustained_wind | integer | 2 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | knots | complete |
BT_wind_radii | integer | 4 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | nautical_mile | complete |
'Best Track' parameters read from HURDAT2
One Best Track parameter is not found in the NHC post-season archive ATCF b-decks: the storm record identifier. This parameter indicates the nature of regular and/or special Best Track points (corresponding to landfall, change of status, peak intensity, etc.). A value for the record identifier is generally only provided for these special circumstances. The remainder of the time, this parameter will be set to _FillValue. Output is generally 6-hourly except when off-synoptic time points are included.
Parameter | Type | Rank | Source | Unit | Status |
HURDAT2_record_identifier | string | 2 | HURDAT2 | ('L' = Landfall, 'W' = Peak max sustained wind speed, etc.) | complete |
Non-'Best Track' Parameters from b-decks
Parameters from the NHC post-season b-decks which are NOT part of 'Best Track' collection
The ATCF b-decks also contain a number of parameters that are NOT best-tracked during the post-season analysis. As such, these quantities consist of operationally-estimated values (which may have been revised post facto during a later forecast cycle). These parameters are NOT included in HURDAT2. Prior to 2004, the b-decks did not provide values for many of these parameters. Thus, data from the NOAA/NESDIS Extended Best Track have been used to fill in any gaps. In the event in which a value was present for a given time both in the b-deck and in the Extended Best Track, the b-deck value is used. Generally, the Extended Best Track values are copied from the ATCF a-decks, so they still represent operationally-estimated values.
Each parameter includes one value for each time point in the cyclone's lifetime. Output is generally 6-hourly except when off-synoptic time points are included (e.g., to indicate the exact time of landfall, peak intensity, or a status change of the cyclone).
Parameter | Type | Rank | Source | Unit | Status |
BDECK_cyclone_depth | string | 2 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | complete | |
BDECK_forecaster_initials | string | 2 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | complete | |
BDECK_estimated_seas_maximum_height | integer | 2 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | feet | complete |
BDECK_cyclone_translation_speed | integer | 2 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | knots | complete |
BDECK_cyclone_translation_direction | integer | 2 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | degrees (measuring clockwise from north) | complete |
BDECK_outermost_closed_isobar_pressure | integer | 2 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | millibar | complete |
BDECK_outermost_closed_isobar_radius | integer | 2 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | nautical mile | complete |
BDECK_maximum_sustained_surface_wind_radius | integer | 2 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | nautical_mile | complete |
BDECK_maximum_gust_surface_wind | integer | 2 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | knots | complete |
BDECK_eye_diameter | integer | 2 | NHC post-season ATCF b-decks | nautical_mile | complete |
Parameters defining the TC-OBS time output grid
Parameters that provide time information for each point in the cyclone's lifetime in the TC-OBS
output time grid
These time-related parameters provide a value for each time point in the cyclone's lifetime. Output is generally hourly and also includes all of the off-synoptic time points from the Best Track time grid.
Parameter | Type | Rank | Source | Unit | Status |
TCOBS_time | integer | 2 | constructed | seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.0 UTC | complete |
TCOBS_yyyymmddhhmm | string | 2 | constructed | (human-readable date/time) | complete |
TCOBS_time_since_first_data_point | float | 2 | constructed | hours | complete |
Parameters related to cyclone position
Reference Best Track position, interpolated to the output grid of the TC-OBS output parameters
To allow comparison between the TC-OBS track and the Best Track, the Best Track cyclone position values are interpolated to the TC-OBS output time grid using cubic-spline interpolation. Generally, output is hourly except when additional off-synoptic time points are included. Each parameter provides a value for every time point in the each cyclone's lifetime. Output is generally hourly and also includes all of the off-synoptic time points from the Best Track time grid.
Parameter | Type | Rank | Source | Unit | Status |
BT_latitude_interpolated | float | 2 | interpolated from Best Track | degrees_north | complete |
BT_longitude_interpolated | float | 2 | interpolated from Best Track | degrees_east | complete |
TC-OBS output parameters related to the position of the cyclone wind center
The TC-OBS Database provides the following observationally-estimated parameters that are related to the precise location of the cyclone wind center. Several additional parameters are also included that are related to the position of the cyclone wind center relative to land. Each parameter provides a value for every time point in each cyclone's lifetime. Output is generally hourly and also includes all of the off-synoptic time points from the Best Track time grid.
Parameter | Type | Rank | Source | Unit | Status |
TCOBS_wind_center_position_latitude | float | 2 | observations-based estimate | degrees_north | complete |
TCOBS_wind_center_position_longitude | float | 2 | observations-based estimate | degrees_east | complete |
TCOBS_wind_center_position_uncertainty | float | 2 | observations-based estimated uncertainty | nautical_mile | validation |
TCOBS_wind_center_position_data_source_flag | integer | 2 | data source flag | unitless | future work |
TCOBS_cyclone_translation_speed | float | 2 | calculated quantity | knots | validation |
TCOBS_cyclone_translation_direction | float | 2 | calculated quantity | degrees | validation |
TCOBS_distance_to_nearest_land | float | 2 | calculated quantity | nautical_mile | complete |
TCOBS_wind_center_over_land | logical | 2 | calculated quantity | unitless ('True' or 'False') | complete |
Parameters related to cyclone intensity
Reference cyclone intensity, interpolated to the output grid of the TC-OBS output parameters
To allow comparison between the TC-OBS intensity parameters and those of the Best Track, the Best Track intensity values are interpolated to the TC-OBS output time grid using linear interpolation (linear interpolation is used for this quantity, rather than cubic-spline interpolation, to ensure that the interpolated values do not overshoot the Best Track values). Each parameter provides a value for every time point in the each cyclone's lifetime. Output is generally hourly and also includes all of the off-synoptic time points from the Best Track time grid.
Parameter | Type | Rank | Source | Unit | Status |
BT_maximum_sustained_surface_wind_interpolated | float | 2 | interpolated from Best Track intensity value | knots | complete |
TC-OBS output parameters related to the cyclone intensity (maximum sustained surface wind)
The TC-OBS Database provides the following observationally-estimated parameters that are related to the maximum sustained surface wind speed anywhere in the cyclone. An additional parameter may eventually be included which provides the strongest maximum sustained surface wind in the weakest quadrant of the cyclone (this is useful for estimating the asymmetry of the wind field). Each parameter provides a value for every time point in each cyclone's lifetime. Output is generally hourly and also includes all of the off-synoptic time points from the Best Track time grid.
Parameter | Type | Rank | Source | Unit | Status |
TCOBS_maximum_sustained_surface_wind | float | 2 | observations-based estimate | knots | complete |
TCOBS_maximum_sustained_surface_wind_uncertainty | float | 2 | observations-based estimate | knots | complete |
TCOBS_maximum_sustained_surface_wind_data_source_flag | integer | 2 | observations-based estimate | unitless | future work |
TCOBS_maximum_sustained_surface_wind_in_weakest_quadrant | float | 2 | observations-based estimate | knots | future work |
TCOBS_maximum_sustained_surface_wind_in_each_quadrant | float | 3 | observations-based estimate | knots | future work |
Parameters related to minimum central pressure
Reference Best Track minimum central pressure, interpolated to the output grid of the TC-OBS output parameters
To allow comparison between the TC-OBS pressure parameter and that of the Best Track, the Best Track central pressure values are interpolated to the TC-OBS output time grid using cubic-spline interpolation. Each parameter provides a value for every time point in the each cyclone's lifetime. Output is generally hourly and also includes all of the off-synoptic time points from the Best Track time grid.
Parameter | Type | Rank | Source | Unit | Status |
BT_central_pressure_interpolated | float | 2 | interpolated from Best Track intensity value | millibar | complete |
TC-OBS output parameters related to the cyclone minimum central pressure
The TC-OBS Database provides the following observationally-estimated parameters that are related to the minimum central pressure of the cyclone. Each parameter provides a value for every time point in each cyclone's lifetime. Output is generally hourly and also includes all of the off-synoptic time points from the Best Track time grid.
Parameter | Type | Rank | Source | Unit | Status |
TCOBS_central_pressure | float | 2 | observations-based estimate | millibar | future work |
TCOBS_central_pressure_uncertainty | float | 2 | observations-based estimate | millibar | future work |
TCOBS_central_pressure_data_source_flag | float | 2 | observations-based estimate | millibar | future work |
Parameters related to the location of the maximum sustained surface wind
Reference b-deck radius of maximum winds (not a 'Best Track' quantity), interpolated to
the output grid of the TC-OBS output parameters
The Best Track Database does not currently include a parameter related to the location of the maximum surface wind (e.g., radius of maximum wind), however the b-decks do contain a non-'Best Track' parameter for this. To allow comparison between the TC-OBS parameter, this b-deck values for this parameter are interpolated to the TC-OBS output time grid using cubic-spline interpolation. Each parameter provides a value for every time point in the each cyclone's lifetime. Output is generally hourly and also includes all of the off-synoptic time points from the Best Track time grid.
Parameter | Type | Rank | Source | Unit | Status |
BDECK_maximum_sustained_surface_wind_radius_interpolated | float | 2 | interp. from b-deck (non-'Best Track') value | nautical_mile | complete |
TC-OBS output parameters related to the location of the maximum sustained surface wind
The TC-OBS Database provides the following observationally-estimated parameters that are
related to the
Parameter | Type | Rank | Source | Unit | Status |
TCOBS_maximum_sustained_surface_wind_radius | float | 2 | observations-based estimate | nautical_mile | complete |
TCOBS_maximum_sustained_surface_wind_radius_uncertainty | float | 2 | observations-based estimate | nautical_mile | complete |
TCOBS_maximum_sustained_surface_wind_azimuth | float | 2 | observations-based estimate | degrees | validation |
TCOBS_maximum_sustained_surface_wind_coherence | float | 2 | observations-based estimate | unitless | validation |
TCOBS_maximum_sustained_surface_wind_latitude | float | 2 | observations-based estimate | degrees_north | future work |
TCOBS_maximum_sustained_surface_wind_longitude | float | 2 | observations-based estimate | degrees_east | future work |
Parameters related to the radial extent of surface winds (e.g., size)
Reference Best Track wind radii, interpolated to the output grid of the TC-OBS output parameters
To allow comparison between the TC-OBS wind radii parameter and that of the Best Track, the Best Track wind radii values are interpolated to the TC-OBS output time grid using cubic-spline interpolation. Each parameter provides a radius value for every time point in the each cyclone's lifetime for each of the four quadrants and the first three of the wind speed thresholds (34-, 50-, and 64-kt). Output is generally hourly and also includes all of the off-synoptic time points from the Best Track time grid.
Parameter | Type | Rank | Source | Unit | Status |
BT_wind_radii_interpolated | float | 2 | interpolated from b-deck (non-'Best Track') value | nautical_mile | complete |
TC-OBS output parameters for wind radii and size-related quantities
The TC-OBS Database provides the following observationally-estimated parameters that are related to the radial extent of maximum sustained surface winds of various thresholds. The wind radii parameter provides a value for every time point in each cyclone's lifetime for each of the seven wind speed thresholds (34-, 50-, 64-, 83-, 96-, 113-, and 137-kt) for each of the four quadrants of the cyclone. Output is generally hourly and also includes all of the off-synoptic time points from the Best Track time grid.
Parameter | Type | Rank | Source | Unit | Status |
TCOBS_wind_radii | float | 4 | observations-based estimate | nautical_mile | complete |
TCOBS_wind_radii_uncertainty | float | 4 | observations-based estimate | nautical_mile | complete |
TCOBS_wind_radii_data_source_flag | float | 4 | observations-based estimate | unitless | future work |
Parameters that provide alternative metrics for intensity and size
TC-OBS output parameters that provide alternative metrics to the traditional intensity and size parameters
The TC-OBS Database provides several observations-based estimates of alternative metrics for intensity and wind radii. The first alternative metric is related to the radial extent of maximum sustained surface winds of various thresholds. The wind exceedance parameter provides a value for probability of exceeding the given wind threshold for each time point in each cyclone's lifetime for each of the seven wind speed thresholds (34-, 50-, 64-, 83-, 96-, 113-, and 137-kt) for each of the four quadrants of the cyclone. The azimuthal average surface wind speed provides a metric which is less variable than the maximum sustained surface wind. Output is generally hourly and also includes all of the off-synoptic time points from the Best Track time grid.
Parameter | Type | Rank | Source | Unit | Status |
TCOBS_sustained_surface_wind_azimuthal_average | float | 2 | observations-based estimate | knots | complete |
TCOBS_multiple_wind_maxima_probability | float | 2 | observations-based estimate | unitless | future work |
TCOBS_wind_exceedance_probability | integer | 4 | observations-based estimate | unitless | future work |
This page was last updated 03 January 2016 by Jonathan Vigh.