VDM+ Dataset | Applications & visualizations

Applications & Visualizations of the VDM+ Datsaset

This page provides visualizations generated from the VDM+ Dataset. Eventually, other types of data-driven applications and visualizations may be included here.

Visualization of structure & intensity parameters over the lifetime of each storm

The number of parameters and complexity of the dataset do not lend themselves to a casual data exploration, so plots are provided to the user that show various intensity and structure parameters over the lifetime of each tropical cyclone in the dataset that have at least 2 VDM fixes. It is hoped that the user will find these plots useful both for data exploration and discovery, as well as for visual quality control checks on the data. Publication quality versions are available upon request (please contact ral-tcdp@ucar.edu. The following links provide access to the plots generated from v1.100 of the dataset. For plots from the previous v1.000, click here.

Plots of individual parameter groups

Panel plots of multiple parameter groups


This page was last updated 25 November 2015 by Jonathan Vigh.