
Model type: Full physics, three dimensional dynamical model
Model timeliness: Late
Model status: Operational
Basins run in: All basins
ATCF TECH identifier: Deterministic run: AVNO
Individual ensemble members: APnn, where n = 01 through 20
Ensemble mean: AEMN
Forecast period: 0 to 192 hours (high resolution)
Included in TCGP: Yes - deterministic run included for all basins: early intensity plots (AL, EP, CP), late intensity plots (WP, IO, SH)
Ensemble track plot included for AL, EP, and CP basins
Domain: Global, model top: 0.3 hPa
Vertical coordinate (# of levels): Sigma pressure hybrid coordinate: near surface sigma levels, blended sigma/constant pressure levels in mid-atmosphere, constant pressure levels above (64 vertical levels)
Grid: Spectral, T574 (effective grid spacing: 27 km)
Cumulus parameterization: Modified Schubert Arakawa Scheme (SAS) with shallow convection
Microphysics parameterization:  
Boundary layer parameterization: GFS PBL (non-local mixing)
Radiation parameterization: Longwave: GFDL Rapid Radiative Transfer Model (RRTM) scheme
Shortwave: GFDL RRTM2
Radiative constituents: ozone, water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, oxygen, and four types of halocarbons (CFCs)
Aerosols treatment: tropospheric and stratospheric (including volcanic aerosols)
Treatment of ozone: Ozone is a prognostic variable, with climatologically-varying sources and sinks
Ocean coupling: No (?)
Initialization method: NCEP GSI hybrid EnKF/var
Initial and boundary conditions: NCEP Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS)
Primary contact: Dr. John Derber, Global Branch Chief (NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC)
Official model website: NOAA EMC Global Forecast System (GFS)
Scientific documentation: GFS Documentation
GFS Products web page: NCEP's Model Analysis and Guidance (MAG) Portal for the GFS

Brief Technical Description

Initialization Method





This page was last updated 20 December, 2012 by Jonathan Vigh. This page has not yet been reviewed by a member of the GFS model development team.