Documentation For The Global Forecast System (GFS) Model
Model type: | Full physics, three dimensional dynamical model |
Model timeliness: | Late |
Model status: | Operational |
Basins run in: | All basins |
ATCF TECH identifier: | Deterministic run: AVNO Individual ensemble members: APnn, where n = 01 through 20 Ensemble mean: AEMN |
Forecast period: | 0 to 192 hours (high resolution) |
Included in TCGP: | Yes - deterministic run included for all basins: early intensity plots (AL, EP, CP), late
intensity plots (WP, IO, SH) Ensemble track plot included for AL, EP, and CP basins |
Domain: | Global, model top: 0.3 hPa |
Vertical coordinate (# of levels): | Sigma pressure hybrid coordinate: near surface sigma levels, blended sigma/constant pressure levels in mid-atmosphere, constant pressure levels above (64 vertical levels) |
Grid: | Spectral, T574 (effective grid spacing: 27 km) |
Cumulus parameterization: | Modified Schubert Arakawa Scheme (SAS) with shallow convection |
Microphysics parameterization: | |
Boundary layer parameterization: | GFS PBL (non-local mixing) |
Radiation parameterization: | Longwave: GFDL Rapid Radiative Transfer Model (RRTM) scheme Shortwave: GFDL RRTM2 Radiative constituents: ozone, water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, oxygen, and four types of halocarbons (CFCs) Aerosols treatment: tropospheric and stratospheric (including volcanic aerosols) |
Treatment of ozone: | Ozone is a prognostic variable, with climatologically-varying sources and sinks |
Ocean coupling: | No (?) |
Initialization method: | NCEP GSI hybrid EnKF/var |
Initial and boundary conditions: | NCEP Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) |
Primary contact: | Dr. John Derber, Global Branch Chief (NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC) |
Official model website: | NOAA EMC Global Forecast System (GFS) |
Scientific documentation: | GFS Documentation |
GFS Products web page: | NCEP's Model Analysis and Guidance (MAG) Portal for the GFS |
Brief Technical Description
Initialization Method
This page was last updated 20 December, 2012 by Jonathan Vigh. This page has not yet been reviewed by a member of the GFS model development team.