This section attempts to provide a comprehensive and searchable listing of the TECH designators of all TC guidance aids, both past and present. Links provide more information about a particular model, including which organization contributed, and documentation about that model.

Jump links for the various categories of TECH identifiers:

Data Sources

This list was compiled from the following sources:


TECH Identifiers for Official Warnings and ATCF Information

TECH Identifier Long name of model Included in TCGP? TCGP Basins Responsible agency, organization, or person
CARQ Combined ARQ Position yes - initial position  All  ATCF information - used by the National Hurricane Center (NHC), the Central Pacific Hurricane Center (CPHC), and the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC)
WRNG Warning ? ?
OFCL NHC Official Forecast late AL, EP, CP National Hurricane Center (NHC)
OFCI NHC Official Forecast (Interpolated 06 hours) early AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC
OFC2 NHC Official Forecast (Interpolated 12 hours) ? AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC
BCD5 Best Track Decay (post season available only) ? AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC
OHPC HPC Official Forecast ? AL, EP Hydrometeorological Prediction Center (HPC)
OOPC OPC Official Forecast ? AL, EP Ocean Prediction Center (OPC)
JTWC JTWC Official Forecast late WP, IO, SH Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC)
J120 JTWC 120 hour Forecast late WP, IO, SH JTWC
NWOC NWOC Official Forecast ? ? NPMOC
NFFN RSMC Nadi Official Forecast ? SH - South Pacific RSMC Nadi (Fiji Met Service)
NZKL TCWC Wellington Official Forecast ? SH - South Pacific TCWC Wellington (New Zealand Met Service)
NWBB New Caledonia Official Forecast ? SH - South Pacific METEO France
ABRF TCWC Brisbane Official Forecast ? SH - Coral Sea TCWC Brisbane (Australia Bureau of Meteorology)
ADRM TCWC Darwin Official Forecast ? SH - Coral Sea and South-East Indian Ocean TCWC Darwin (Australia Bureau of Meteorology)
APRF TCWC Perth Official Forecast ? SH - South-East Indian Ocean TCWC Perth (Australia Bureau of Meteorology)
RJTD RMSC Tokyo Official Forecast ? WP RSMC Tokyo
BBAJ Beijing Official Forecast ? WP China Meteorological Agency (CMA)
BCGZ Canton Official Forecast ? WP Canton (?)
VHHH Hong Kong Observatory Official Forecast ? WP Hong Kong Observatory
RJTZ Japanese Self-Defense Forces (JASDF) Forecast ? WP Japanese Self-Defense Forces (JASDF)
RPMM Philippines Official Foreast ? WP Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) TC Page
RCTP Taiwanese Central Weather Bureau Official Forecast ? WP Taiwan Central Weather Bureau (CWB)
FMME RSMC La Réunion Official Forecast ? SH - South-West Indian Ocean RSMC La Réunion
DEMS RSMC New Delhi Official Forecast ? IO RSMC New Delhi (India Meteorological Department)


TECH Identifiers for Operational Models - Track only

TECH Identifier Long name of model Included in TCGP? TCGP Basins Responsible agency, organization, or person
XTRP Extrapolation using past 12-hr motion early All basins NHC, CPHC, and JTWC
CLIP CLImatology-and-PERsistence model (3 day) early All basins NHC, CPHC, and JTWC
CLP5 CLImatology-and-PERsistence model (5 day) early AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC
BAMD Beta and Advection model, deep layer mean early AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC
FBAM Beta and Advection model, deep layer mean no WP, IO, SH JTWC
BAMM Beta and Advection model, medium layer mean early AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC
MBAM Beta and Advection model, deep layer mean no WP, IO, SH JTWC
BAMS Beta and Advection model, shallow layer mean early AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC
SBAM Beta and Advection model, deep layer mean no WP, IO, SH JTWC
LBAR NHC implementation of GFDL VICBAR model early AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC
WBAR Harry Weber model no WP, IO, SH JTWC
WBRI Harry Weber model (Interpolated 06 hours) no WP, IO, SH JTWC


TECH Identifiers for Experimental Models - Track only

TECH Identifier Long name of model Included in TCGP? TCGP Basins Responsible agency, organization, or person



TECH Identifiers for Operational Models - Intensity only

TECH Identifier Long name of model Included in TCGP? TCGP Basins Responsible agency, organization, or person
SHFR SHIFOR intensity model 3-day ? AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC
SHF5 SHIFOR intensity model 5-day early intensity AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC
DSHF SHIFOR (decay) intensity model ? AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC
SHIP Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme (SHIPS) model early intensity AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC
DSHP Decay SHIPS model early intensity AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC
LGEM SHIPS Logistical Growth Equation (LGE) model early intensity AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC
RI25 Rapid Intensification (RI) Aid (24-hour probability of 25 kt increase) ? AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC
RI30 RI Aid (24-hour probability of 30 kt increase) ? AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC
RI35 RI Aid (24-hour probability of 35 kt increase) ? AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC
RI45 RI Aid (24-hour probability of 40 kt increase) ? AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC


TECH Identifiers for Experimental Models - Intensity only

TECH Identifier Long name of model Included in TCGP? TCGP Basins Responsible agency, organization, or person
SPC3 Statistical Prediction of Intensity from a Consensus Ensemble (SPICE) early intensity AL, EP, CP NESDIS/STAR and CIRA
SHPP SHIPS model parallel (experimental) ? AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC
DSPP Decay SHIPS model parallel (experimental) ? AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC
CHIP Coupled Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme early intensity, late intensity All basins Professor Kerry Emanuel (MIT)
CHP2 CHIP Ensemble Member 2 (v0 +3 m/s) early intensity, late intensity All basins Professor Kerry Emanuel (MIT)
CHP3 CHIP Ensemble Member 3 (v0 -3 m/s) early intensity, late intensity All basins Professor Kerry Emanuel (MIT)
CHP4 CHIP Ensemble Member 4 (dv/dt +1.5 m/s) early intensity, late intensity All basins Professor Kerry Emanuel (MIT)
CHP5 CHIP Ensemble Member 5 (dv/dt -1.5 m/s) early intensity, late intensity All basins Professor Kerry Emanuel (MIT)
CHP6 CHIP Ensemble Member 6 (v0 +3 m/s, no shear) early intensity, late intensity All basins Professor Kerry Emanuel (MIT)
CHP7 CHIP Ensemble Member 7 (v0 -3m/s, shear +10 m/s) early intensity, late intensity All basins Professor Kerry Emanuel (MIT)
CHPM CHIP Ensemble Mean early intensity, late intensity All basins Professor Kerry Emanuel (MIT)


TECH Identifiers for Operational Models - Both Track and Intensity

TECH Identifier Long name of model Included in TCGP? TCGP Basins Responsible agency, organization, or person
FSSE Florida State Superensemble model no AL, EP, CP? FSU
FSSI Florida State Superensemble model (Interpolated) no AL, EP, CP? FSU
HWRF Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting (HWRF) Model late AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC, run at NCEP/NCO
HWFI HWRF model (Interpolated 06 hours) early AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
HWF2 HWRF model (Interpolated 12 hours) ? AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
NAM North America Model experimental AL, EP NCEP/EMC, run at NCEP/NCO
NAMI NAM model (Interpolated 06 hours) ? AL EP NCEP/EMC
NAM2 NAM model (Interpolated 12 hours) ? AL, EP NCEP/EMC
COAL Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS) Atlantic grid no AL NRL
COAI COAMPS Atlantic grid (Interpolated 06 hours) no AL NRL
COA2 COAMPS Atlantic grid (Interpolated 12 hours) no AL NRL
COCE COAMPS Caribbean/East Pacific grid no AL NRL, run at FNMOC
COEI COAMPS Caribbean/East Pacific grid (Interpolated 06 hours) no AL NRL
COE2 COAMPS Caribbean/East Pacific grid (Interpolated 12 hours) no AL NRL
COWP COAMPS Western Pacific grid no ? NRL
COWI COAMPS Western Pacific grid (Interpolated 06 hours) no ? NRL
COKO COAMPS Korea grid no ? NRL
COIN COAMPS Indian Ocean grid no ? NRL
COID COAMPS Indonesia grid no ? NRL
AVNO Global Forecast System (GFS) model late All basins NCEP/EMC, run at NCEP/NCO
AVNI GFSI GFS Model (Interpolated 06 hours) early AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AVN2 GFS2 GFS Model (Interpolated 12 hours) ? AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AP01 GP01 GFS Ensemble +01 member GFS ensemble AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AP02 GP01 GFS Ensemble +02 member GFS ensemble AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AP03 GP01 GFS Ensemble +03 member GFS ensemble AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AP04 GP01 GFS Ensemble +04 member GFS ensemble AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AP05 GP01 GFS Ensemble +05 member GFS ensemble AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AP06 GP01 GFS Ensemble +06 member GFS ensemble AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AP07 GP01 GFS Ensemble +07 member GFS ensemble AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AP08 GP01 GFS Ensemble +08 member GFS ensemble AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AP09 GP01 GFS Ensemble +09 member GFS ensemble AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AP10 GP01 GFS Ensemble +10 member GFS ensemble AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AP11 GP01 GFS Ensemble +11 member GFS ensemble AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AP12 GP01 GFS Ensemble +12 member GFS ensemble AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AP13 GP01 GFS Ensemble +13 member GFS ensemble AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AP14 GP01 GFS Ensemble +14 member GFS ensemble AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AP15 GP01 GFS Ensemble +15 member GFS ensemble AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AP16 GP01 GFS Ensemble +16 member GFS ensemble AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AP17 GP01 GFS Ensemble +17 member GFS ensemble AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AP18 GP01 GFS Ensemble +18 member GFS ensemble AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AP19 GP01 GFS Ensemble +19 member GFS ensemble AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AP20 GP01 GFS Ensemble +20 member GFS ensemble AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AEMN GEMN GFS Ensemble Mean GFS ensemble AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AEMI GEMI GFS Ensemble Mean (Interpolated 06 hours) GFS ensemble, early AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AEM2 GEMI GFS Ensemble Mean (Interpolated 12 hours) ? AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
AMMN GFS New Ensemble Mean ? AL, EP, CP NCEP/EMC
UKM UK Met Office model (Developmental) late All basins UK Met Office
UKMI UK Met Office model (Developmental) early AL, EP, CP UK Met Office
UKM2 UK Met Office model (Developmental) ? AL, EP, CP UK Met Office
EGRR UK Met Office model (Official) ? AL, EP, CP UK Met Office
EGRI UK Met Office model (Official - Interpolated 06 hours) ? AL, EP, CP UK Met Office
EGR2 UK Met Office model (Official - Interpolated 12 hours) ? AL, EP, CP UK Met Office
EGRT UK Met Office model (translated from SAFA) no ? JTWC?
EGRA UK Met Office model (corrected SAFA tracker) no ? JTWC?
UKX UK Met Office model (GFS tracker) ? AL, EP, CP UK Met Office
UKXI UK Met Office model (GFS tracker - Interpolated 06 hours) ? AL, EP, CP UK Met Office
UKX2 UK Met Office model (GFS tracker - Interpolated 12 hours) ? AL, EP, CP UK Met Office
NGPS  NOGAPS model late AL, EP, CP Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC)
NGPI NOGAPS model (Interpolated 06 hours) early AL, EP, CP FNMOC
NGP2 NOGAPS model (Interpolated 12 hours) ? AL, EP, CP FNMOC
NGX NOGAPS model (GFS tracker) ? AL, EP, CP FNMOC
NGXI NOGAPS model (GFS tracker - Interpolated 06 hours) ? AL, EP, CP FNMOC
NGX2 NOGAPS model (GFS tracker - Interpolated 12 hours) ? AL, EP, CP FNMOC
NGPT NOGAPS model (translated from SAFA) no ? JTWC?
NGPA NOGAPS model (corrected SAFA tracker?) no ? JTWC?
CMC Canadian model late AL, EP, CP  
CEMN Canadian model Ensemble Mean late AL, EP, CP  
ECM ECMWF model no AL, EP, CP European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF)
ECMI ECMWF model (Interpolated 06 hours) no AL, EP, CP ECMWF
ECM2 ECMWF model (Interpolated 12 hours) no AL, EP, CP ECMWF
EMX ECMWF model (GFS Tracker) no AL, EP, CP ECMWF
EMXI ECMWF model (GFS Tracker - Interpolated 06 hours) no AL, EP, CP ECMWF
EMX2 ECMWF model (GFS Tracker - Interpolated 12 hours) no AL, EP, CP ECMWF
EEMN ECMWF model Ensemble Mean (GTS tracker) no AL, EP, CP ECMWF
ECMO ECMWF model (GTS tracker) no AL, EP, CP ECMWF
ECOI ECMWF model (GTS tracker - Interpolated 06 hours) no AL, EP, CP ECMWF
ECO2 ECMWF model (GTS tracker - Interpolated 12 hours) no AL, EP, CP ECMWF
EEMO ECMWF model Ensemble Mean EPS (GTS tracker) no AL, EP, CP ECMWF
JGSM Japanese Global Spectral Model (GSM) no AL, EP, CP Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA)
JGSI Japanese GSM (JGSA, interpolated 06 hours using NHC interpolator) no AL, EP, CP JMA
JGS2 Japanese GSM (Interpolated 12 hours using NHC interpolator from JGSA) no AL, EP, CP JMA
JGSE Japanese GSM (extrapolated) no WP, IO, CP JMA
JJGS Japanese GSM (JTWC tracker) no WP, IO, SH JMA
JJGI Japanese GSM (JGSM, interpolated 06 hours using NHC interpolator) no WP, IO, SH JMA
JGST Japanese GSM (translated from SAFA) no WP, IO, SH JMA
JGSA Japanese GSM (SAFA modified tracker) no WP, IO, SH JMA
JGAI Japanese GSM (SAFA modified tracker, interpolated 06 hours using NHC interpolator) no WP, IO, SH JMA
JGST Japanese GSM (translated from SAFA) no WP, IO, SH JMA
AFW1 Air Force Weather Agency MM5 45 km no ? Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA)
AFWI AFWA MM5 45 km (Interpolated 06 hours) no ? AFWA
GRPS GRAPES-TCM yes WP Shanghai Typhoon Institute, Chinese Meteorological Administration (STI/CMA)


TECH Identifiers for Experimental Models - Both Track and Intensity

TECH Identifier Long name of model Included in TCGP? TCGP Basins Responsible agency, organization, or person
GP01 GFDL Ensemble Member 1: Control forecast (same model as operational GFDL) experimental AL, EP, CP GFDL
GO1I GFDL Ensemble Member 1 (Interpolated 06 hours) no AL, EP, CP GFDL
GP02 GFDL Ensemble Member 2:      
GP03 GFDL Ensemble Member 3:      
GP04 GFDL Ensemble Member 4:      
GP05 GFDL Ensemble Member 5:      
GP06 GFDL Ensemble Member 6:      
GP07 GFDL Ensemble Member 7:      
GP08 GFDL Ensemble Member 8:      
GP09 GFDL Ensemble Member 9:      
GP10 GFDL Ensemble Member 10:      
GP11 GFDL Ensemble Member 11:      
GP12 GFDL Ensemble Member 12:      
GP13 GFDL Ensemble Member 13:      
GP14 GFDL Ensemble Member 14:      
GP15 GFDL Ensemble Member 15:      
GPMN GFDL Ensemble Mean (when at least 40% of members are available) experimental AL, EP, CP GFDL
GPMI GFDL Ensemble Mean (Interpolated 06 hours) no AL, EP, CP GFDL
FIM9 Flow-following Finite-volume Icosahedral Model (FIM) version 9 (15 km) experimental AL, EP, CP NOAA Earth Systems Research Laboratory (ESRL) - Geophysical Systems Division (GSD)
FM9I FIM (Interpolated 06 hours) no AL, EP, CP NOAA/ESRL/GDS
APSU PSU ARW with inner core radar data assimilation experimental AL Penn State University (PSU) - Fuqing Zhang
APSI PSU ARW with inner core radar data assimilation (Interpolated 06 hours) no AL PSU - Fuqing Zhang
ANPS PSU ARW with no inner core radar data experimental AL PSU - Fuqing Zhang
ANPI? PSU ARW with no inner core radar data (Interpolated 06 hours) no AL PSU - Fuqing Zhang
COTC Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System - Tropical Cyclone (COAMPS-TC) experimental AL, EP, CP Naval Research Lab (NRL)
COTI COAMPS-TC (Interpolated 06 hours) no AL, EP, CP NRL
UWN4 UW-Nonhydrostatic Modeling System (UW-NMS) version 7b experimental AL University of Wisconsin - Greg Tripoli
UW4I UW-NMS Model (Interpolated 06 hours) no AL UW - Greg Tripoli
AHW4 Advanced Hurricane WRF (AHW) version 4 experimental AL and EP National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) - Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology (MMM) Division
AHWI AHW (Interpolated 06 hours) no AL and EP NCAR/MMM
HWEK HWRF with HEDAS experimental AL Atlantic Oceanographic and Marine Laboratory (AOML) - Hurricane Research Division (HRD)
HWEI HWRF with HEDAS (Interpolated 06 hours) no AL AOML/HRD

TECH Identifiers for Operational Consensus Aids - Track Only

TECH Identifier Long name of model Included in TCGP? TCGP Basins Responsible agency, organization, or person
GUNA Consensus Track Guidance (AVNI + GHMI + EGRI/2 + NGPI) ? AL, EP, CP? NHC and CPHC
CGUN Corrected GUNA Consensus Guidance ? AL, EP, CP? NHC and CPHC
TCON Consensus Track Guidance (AVNI/2 + EGRI/2 + GHMI/2 + HWRFI/2) ? AL, EP, CP? NHC and CPHC
TCOE Consensus Track Guidance (AVNI/2 + EGRI/2 + GHMI/2 + HWRFI/2) ? AL, EP, CP? NHC and CPHC
TCOA Consensus Track Guidance (AVNI/2 + EGRI/2 + GHMI/2 + HWRFI/2) ? AL, EP, CP? NHC and CPHC
TCCN Corrected TCON Consensus Guidance ? AL, EP, CP? NHC and CPHC
TVCN Variable Consensus Track Guidance (AVNI/2 + EGRI/2 + NGPI/2 + GHMI/2 + HWRI/2 + EMXI/2) ? AL, EP, CP? NHC and CPHC
TVCE Variable Consensus Track Guidance (AVNI/2 + EGRI/2 + NGPI/2 + GHMI/2 + HWRI/2 + EMXI/2 + GFNI/2) ? AL, EP, CP? NHC and CPHC
TVCA Variable Consensus Track Guidance (AVNI/2 + EGRI/2 + GHMI/2 + HWRI/2 + EMXI/2 + GFNI/2) ? AL, EP, CP? NHC and CPHC
TVCC Variable Corrected TVCN Consensus Guidance ? AL, EP, CP? NHC and CPHC
RYOC Forecaster Created Consensus Guidance (any model combination) ? AL, EP, CP? NHC and CPHC
MYOC Forecaster Created Consensus Guidance (any model combination) ? AL, EP, CP? NHC and CPHC


TECH Identifiers for Experimental Consensus Aids - Track Only

TECH Identifier Long name of model Included in TCGP? TCGP Basins Responsible agency, organization, or person
TV15 Consensus Track Guidance of Stream 1.5 Aids early AL, EP, CP? NHC and CPHC


TECH Identifiers for Operational Consensus Aids - Intensity Only

TECH Identifier Long name of model Included in TCGP? TCGP Basins Responsible agency, organization, or person
ICON Intensity Consensus Guidance (DSHP + LGEM + GHMI/2 + HWRFI/2) ? AL, EP, CP? NHC and CPHC
IVCN Variable Intensity Consensus Guidance (DSHP + LGEM + GHMI/2 + HWFI/2 + GFNI/2) ? AL, EP, CP? NHC and CPHC


TECH Identifiers for Experimental Consensus Aids - Intensity Only

TECH Identifier Long name of model Included in TCGP? TCGP Basins Responsible agency, organization, or person
IV15 Consensus Intensity Guidance of Stream 1.5 Aids early AL, EP, CP? NHC and CPHC



TECH Identifiers for Experimental Consensus Aids - Both Track and Intensity

TECH Identifier Long name of model Included in TCGP? TCGP Basins Responsible agency, organization, or person
FSSE Florida State Superensemble model no AL, EP, CP? Florida State University (FSU)
MMEN Multi-Model Ensemble Correlation-based Consensus (?) experimental AL FSU
T1MN HFIP Stream 1.5 Consensus experimental AL and EP NCAR Research Applications Laboratory (RAL) - Joint Numerical Testbed (JNT) - Tropical Cyclone Modeling Team (TCMT)
T2MN HFIP Stream 2.0 Consensus experimental AL and EP NCAR/RAL/JNT/TCMT
T3MN HFIP Consensus (All streams) experimental AL and EP NCAR/RAL/JNT/TCMT



TECH Identifiers for Operational Wind Radii Aids

TECH Identifier Long name of model Included in TCGP? TCGP Basins Responsible agency, organization, or person
MRCL McAdie Radii CLIPER model no AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC
MRCI McAdie Radii CLIPER model (Interpolated) no AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC
DRCL DeMaria Radii CLIPER model no AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC
DRCI DeMaria Radii CLIPER model no AL, EP, CP NHC and CPHC


TECH Identifiers for Deprecated Aids

TECH Identifier Long name of model Type of model Basins used in Approximate years in use Responsible agency, organization, or person
OMPC MPC official forecast --- AL ? ?
HURN HURRAN model analog-statistic AL ? NHC
A67 NHC-67 statistic model statistic AL 1967-? NHC
A72 NHC-72 statistic model statistic AL 1972-? NHC
A73 NHC-73 statistic model statistic AL 1973-? NHC
A83 NHC-83 statistic model statistic AL 1983-? NHC
A90E NHC-90 (early) statistic-dynamic model statistic-dynamic AL 1990-? NHC
A90L NHC-90 (late) statistic-dynamic model statistic-dynamic AL 1990-? NHC
90AE NHC-90 test model statistic-dynamic AL 1990-? NHC
90BE NHC-90 test model statistic-dynamic AL 1990-? NHC
A98E NHC-98 statistic-dynamic model statistic-dynamic AL 1998-? NHC
A9UK NHC-98 (UKMET version) statistic-dynamic AL 1998-? NHC
PSS EP statistic-synoptic model statistic-synoptic EP ? NHC
PSDE EP (early) statistic-dynamic model statistic-dynamic EP ? NHC
PSDL EP statistic-dynamic model statistic-dynamic EP ? NHC
P91E EP NHC-91 statistic-dynamic model (early) statistic-dynamic EP 1991-? NHC
P91L EP NHC-91 statistic-dynamic model (late) statistic-dynamic EP 1991-? NHC
P9UK EP NHC-91 (UKMET version) statistic-dynamic EP 1991-? NHC
SBAR SANBAR barotropic model dynamic - barotropic AL ? NHC
BAMA BAM test A   AL ? NHC
BAMB BAM test B   AL ? NHC
BAMC BAM test C   AL ? NHC
VBAR VICBAR model dynamic - barotropic AL ?  
VBRI VICBAR model (Interpolated) dynamic - barotropic AL ?  
MFM Medium Fine Mesh model dynamic AL ?  
QLM Quasi-Lagrangian model dynamic AL ?  
QLMI Quasi-Lagrangian model (Interpolated) dynamic AL ?  
GTSI GFDL model test (Interpolated 06 hours) dynamic AL ?  
GTS2 GFDL model test (Interpolated 12 hours) dynamic AL ?  
GFDA GFDL model with Aviation boundary layer parameterization dynamic AL ?  
GFDE GFDL model with Emanuel convective parameterization dynamic AL ?  
GFDU GFDL model (UKMET version) dynamic AL ?  
GFUI GFDL model (UKMET version - Interpolated) dynamic AL ?  
GFDC GFDL coupled model dynamic AL ?  
GFCI GFDL coupled model (Interpolated) dynamic AL ?  
ETA ETA model dynamic AL ?  
ETAI ETA model (Interpolated 06 hours) dynamic AL ?  
ETA2 ETA model (Interpolated 12 hours) dynamic AL ?  
NGM NGM model dynamic AL ?  
NGMI NGM model (Interpolated) dynamic AL ?  
AFW1 MM5 Coarse resolution dynamic AL ?  
AF1I MM5 Coarse resolution (Interpolated 06 hours) dynamic AL ?  
AF12 MM5 Coarse resolution (Interpolated 12 hours) dynamic AL ?  
MM36 Air Force MM5 model dynamic AL ?  
M36I Air Force MM5 model (Interpolated) dynamic AL ?  
MRFO Medium Range Forecast model dynamic AL ?  
FV5 NASA fvGCM model dynamic AL ?  
FVGI NASA fvGCM model (Interpolated) dynamic AL ?  
GUNS Consensus of GFDI, UKMI, and NPGI models consensus - track AL ?  
GENA Consensus of AVNI, GFDI, EGRI/2, and NGPI consensus - track AL ?  
CONU Consensus of AVNI, GFDI, UKMI, NGPI, and GFNI consensus - track AL ?  
CONE Consensus of AVNI, GFDI, UKMI, NGPI, ECMI, and GFNI consensus - track AL ?  
CCON Corrected CONU Consensus consensus - track AL ?  
DEF1 ?
DEF2 ?        
DEF3 ?        
HCON Intensity Consensus (GFDI + HWRI + GFNI) consensus - intensity AL ?  
ICON Intensity Consensus (DSHP + GFDI + HWFI) consensus - intensity AL ?  
INT4 Intensity Consensus (DSHP + GFDI + GFNI + LGEM) consensus - intensity AL ?  
CONI Intensity Consensus test        
GFDL Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) Hurricane model late AL, EP, CP Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), run at NCEP/NCO
GFDI GFDL model (Interpolated 06 hours) early AL, EP, CP GFDL
GFD2 GFDL model (Interpolated 12 hours) ? AL, EP, CP GFDL
GHMI GFDL model with Intensity adjustment (Interpolated 06 hours) ? AL, EP, CP GFDL
GHM2 GFDL model with Intensity adjustment (Interpolated 12 hours) ? AL, EP, CP GFDL
GFDT GFDL model using GFS tracker late AL, EP, CP GFDL
GFTI GFDL model using GFS tracker (Interpolated 06 hours) early AL, EP, CP GFDL
GFT2 GFDL model using GFS tracker (Interpolated 12 hours) ? AL, EP, CP GFDL
GFDN GFDL model using Navy NOGAPS initial conditions ? AL, EP,CP GFDL, run at FNMOC?
GFNI GFDN model (Interpolated 06 hours) early AL, EP, CP GFDL, run at FNMOC
GFN2 GFDN model (Interpolated 12 hours) early AL, EP, CP GFDL, run at FNMOC

This page was last updated 27 March 2023.